Chapter 31

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           I choose a leather suit as dark as Matt's hair, I realize. I insist Zoey that I'll be fine without the tail, and she finally agrees, so now I have my legs back, there's that. A grumpy mermaid braids my hair, brushing them and getting them out of my eyes. I wear the suit and pocket my knives, then I set out and look for Eleanor.

           I finally spot her scowling at one of the mermen guards and I creep up behind her. I'm too close, too close, too close. As the merman leaves, I finally have the courage to pin her to the nearby wall that is secluded from the view of others. I might get in trouble, but I don't care, Hector isn't really my father anyway. He's Princess Eleanor's father, but I still care enough to keep her in her limits so that my father cannot be harmed. 
          "What the hell are you doing here Sybil?" Eleanor asks, panic in her voice. I chuckle slightly to be able to scare her, finally. 
           "Why, can't I meet my father?" I say, putting more emphasis on the word that means nothing to me, father. Her wild eyes search my face, looking for some remorse already. Pathetic.
          "I meant- w-why are you pinning me to the w-wall? Is-is there something you're upset about?" She asks, stuttering. I smile at her effort of getting the words out. I finally have power.
          "Oh yeah, I just came here to say a few things to you that have been bothering me for some time now. I'm going to get them back, you hear me?" I whisper in her ear, pressing harder on her throat. I'm going to get them back and she won't stop it from happening. I continue.
          "There's nothing you can do. Our father, no, my father," I say. Even though he means nothing to me, it feels nice to see her face drop.
          "In case you haven't noticed already, he's going to help me find them. I am going to make Luke pay for the damage he's done. So, tell your little puppet Chris and anyone else who's on your side to back off." I finish, not sure if Chris is really on her side, not sure if Matt's on her side, not sure if anyone I trust is trustworthy anymore. She sucks in a breath and nods slowly. 
          "You'll regret laying hands on me, princess of sea." She says and breaks free from my grip, swimming back to where she came from. This time, I let her go.

          I find myself sitting with the royal family at a large dining table. Pearls light up the path to the dining table, and coral reefs pollute the sand. I wear a black leather suit. A tight black top with leather pants and my feet are bare. I wear a black leather cape on top of it and the mermaids had styled my hair and had put a crown on my brow, a crown made from pearls and seashells. 
          "So, how's it like in Alastair? I haven't been there since I gave birth to Eleanor." Queen Marilla asks, fork and spoon in her hand as she pokes the still body of a large fish. She gazes up at me and smiles. Cute. 
          "It's not much different than Cordelia, your Majesty. You can breathe air easily without having the feeling of dying in unknown lands, that's for sure." I say, pasting a forceful smile on my face and trying not to laugh hysterically. All three of them eye me suspiciously.
          "Oh, come now, it isn't that bad here. I'm sure if you would stay longer, you will find Cordelia enchanting." Hector counters. I notice how he doesn't comment on the fact that this is my land too if he's the one ruling it. I say nothing though, I know what his plans are. Help me find Livie and Wyatt, cure my mother and then ask me to do something absurd and out of my control.  I nod, forcing a smile as I put the food in my mouth. It tastes nothing like fish. There are a million flavors popping in my mouth and it honestly isn't so bad. 
          After dinner, Hector stands and gives Eleanor his command. 
          "Eleanor, why don't you take Princess Sybil to your room and make her some tea? Marilla will join you in a bit." Eleanor is reluctant and starts to speak but Hector cuts it out with one sharp look and she nods once. I never knew she would be this obedient, it's a shame she's a completely different person around me.

          "Come on," she says through clenched teeth as she tugs on my arm, dragging me to her bedchambers. I let her drag me around the Castle, after all, my head is pounding, and I do need a cup of tea before I depart with Hector's army. 
          "Okay, listen here you little idiot," she whisper shouts as I step inside her chambers. "You don't tell me what to do or what not to do. I'm the rightful princess so accept it, you'll never be dad's favorite little daughter. I know about that stupid prophecy that lingers in your family and I don't give a shit, alright? So, leave me out of this and stay out of Matt and I's path, you'll be sorry if he leaves me for you." she finishes, watching me with hungry eyes. Up and down and up and down and-
"Say something dammit!"
          "Alright alright! Jeez, can't even learn some patience..." I mumble as I take a seat on one of the lavish chairs in her room. Honestly, I don't give a shit about her love life either, she should be saying all this to him rather than me. She pours me a cup of tea and I drink it, not leaving a single drop behind. We get up to leave as there's not much to talk about, plus she was pretty awkward after that little stunt she had just pulled. 
          I hear a man shout as soon as we step outside, "FIRE!!!" Eleanor quickly takes cover with the rock wall and pulls me in beside her. Cordelia is in ruins. Zoey spots Eleanor and swims towards us immediately. 
          "Ladies," she breathes, making a short bow. "Your father has ordered for you on the shore. We must go as soon as possible."
          "What happened Zoey?" Eleanor asks her, shaking her shoulders violently.
          She shakes her head in response and ushers us to leave right now, so we do.

          The swim up to the shore felt like a million years trapped under a rock. I have to keep on reminding myself to breathe. My hands are shaking slightly but I tell myself this is what I prepared for, there's no backing down now. I start to cough unstoppably the moment my head touches air. I try to readjust my vision and the view is not exactly charming-
          In front of me lay bodies. Bodies of generals, elves, mermaids and mermen, coating the sand in the color of red vine. Hector is sitting on a shark, looking at the man who's staring at him as well. The opponent has two swords sheathed on his back in the shape of a cross. He wears a black leather suit. His face is covered with a black cloth and his eyes burn with rage.  
The man removes the cloth from his face.

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