Chapter 21

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After practically stuffing my mouth with jam and bread and fruits, and getting dressed, I make my way to Livie and Wyatt's bed chambers. 
*Knock knock*
There is no answer and so I knock again.
*Knock knock*
This time I hear muffled voices speak from the inside, some shuffling, rustling and something hitting the floor very loudly. "Ouch?" I say as Wyatt opens the door. "Ahaha don't mind the noise. Liv is freaking out as usual because she is running late. You look gorgeous as always." He passes me his stupid charming smile and I smile in return. He moves aside to reveal Livie in an extravagantly beautiful black gown. Her hair is braided down to her waist and her lips are tinted with a baby pink color. "Hey, how are you doing?" She asks coming to the door while nudging Wyatt in the ribs. I hug her as she gets closer. "I'm okay, but I do not know how to move on from here onwards. She was an important lady I mean, she gave us a home when we first came here." I say and I notice Wyatt going back inside the chamber and so we walk outside for a short walk and Livie closes the door behind her. "Yes, I know Sybil, but know this. Our only way into moving on with our mission is by ceasing Vaughn's life. We all know he is a threat to the thrones, and we all know he needs you in order to get to the throne." 
"Yes, but if we do end Vaughn's life, Matthew will still become the King and that would mean that Alastair would once again, be in the wrong hands. I cannot let that happen." I reply. Even if Vaughn does die, Matt would take over and only God knows what is in the books for us after he is King. 

"But you love him, Sybil. He will not indulge in wrongdoings because he has feelings for you too." Her words were like a knife in my heart. I never told her about my feelings for a Prince, that was far beneath me. I promised myself never to fall in love if it meant throwing my pride and my mission aside. "I do not love him Livie, do not ever speak to me of him again." I reply coldly and look in the other direction. "Oh, come one, did you not see the way he looked at you in his chambers? Or when years ago that stupid practice session for the ball that was held? He chose you Sybil, he chose you because he loves you." I look at her, my eyes wide. The memories are fresh in my mind, but they are defeated by the memories that I keep alive in my mind. 
"I do not know if he loves me, but I do know that I hate him. When he stared at me yesterday, it was with nothing but hatred Livie, I am blamed for the murder of his parents. I have been trapped twice in both his parents' death. He hates me and so do I," I continue. "At the ball 5 years ago, he had told me that he wants to watch me cripple and break down because he hates me. A few days ago, I overheard him while he was convincing Vaughn that I was innocent, when I asked him why he would go to such an extent as to clear my name, he said he did it in order to get something out of me, he hates me Livie and so do I!" She looks back up at me, at the girl who had just yelled at her best friend when it was not even her fault. As we walk across the green and damp grass to get to our horses, she does not speak to me and neither do I. Upon reaching, I stand with my horse whom I had named Ace. He has a true black color coat and was gifted to me by King Victor. His chocolate brown eyes find mind as I stroke his muzzle in an attempt to calm both myself and Ace and it seems to work. Something in his eyes tell me to fix things between Livie and me and so, I bend my pride and walk over to her pure white horse. I find her fixing Dahlia's breast strap. I brush my fingers against her shoulder to get her attention and she turns around, her blonde braided hair on her shoulder. "Listen, I apologize, I just was not-"
"Apology accepted. Now what do you say, shall we go find the others?" She says, cutting me midsentence. 

I smile and hug her tightly as she gasps for air. We are finally on good terms again and we can laugh again like we used to when we were on earth. "Are you certain you can come?" She asks me and I look at her puzzled. "I'm fine, don't worry." I say, kissing the back of her hand. Livie spots Matthew with Christopher and suggests going to ask him how he was doing but I did not feel like talking to him as I was not certain when I would break and cry, making him feel worse. I also did not want to see him after what Livie had just told me, I would rather cut off all ties with him than to work together with him. I excuse myself and cut the distance short between Ceren and me. She was talking to a tall white man who seemed to be in his late 40's. He was wearing a black tux and a hat and was smoking a pipe. As soon as she spots me, she excuses herself and tries to walk away but I grab onto her arm before she does so. "Turn around." I tell her and she turns to face me but her head is low. "Look in my eyes, Ceren" I say, my voice firm. She looks up but this time, she has no fear in her eyes but confidence. "Why are you acting like this? Why are you avoiding me?" I ask her with genuineness. I don't want her to leave me like the others did, I do not want to lose another friend. "You mean why am I avoiding an assassinator? You killed him, you killed them both and you have the nerve to ask me why I am avoiding you? Very well Sybil, that is the typical you." She says with no shame while clapping her hands to show sarcasm. "No, Ceren. You have it all wrong, I fell into his trap-" She cuts me off, trying to spit facts but we all know she has it all wrong. "You were the one who compelled Wyatt into killing King Victor just so you could then marry one of the brothers and claim the throne for yourself and the only obstacle in your way was Queen Veronica, who by the way was the one to take me in and take care of me and my sister when we had no one. You poisoned her with Hellebores just to get rid of her? How pathetic can you be Sybil?" Her doe eyes were now glistening with tears, but I felt no pain or sorrow for her, what about me? Everyone had their own sob stories, but no one ever cared about hearing mine. Now I was not going to get stopped, I am unstoppable. "Listen Ceren, you are either on my side, by my side or in my fucking way. So, you better choose wisely." I continue. "Oh, and you are several chapters behind dear, I cut off all ties with Vaughn because of his selfishness for the throne. Me on the other hand, I never cared about the crown all I wanted was the sword and I have it now." I say harshly and turn my back on her, crossing the lawn towards Ace. It was a chilly day as the dark clouds were now above the Grand Castle. It was going to rain soon. 

"Your Highness." I hear the voice of a female behind me, and I turn around to see a few guards with chains in their hands. I raise an eyebrow. Surely, they would not believe that liar, right? "What is this?" I ask her. Her head is low, and she does not meet my gaze, neither do the others. There is a crowd surrounding us now, of people witnessing this "spectacular" scene of me going to prison. "The folk has ordered justice, and I shall be the one to give it to them. We will chain you and go to the funeral. There your fate will be decided." Matthew is now in front of me, speaking with his arms crossed. "You are going to hold me accountable for the High King and Queen's death? Don't you see? He framed me! He wanted the land to fight between each other to make us internally weak!" I shout at him, but he ignores me as he sits on his horse while the elves take me away.

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