Chapter 24

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Present Day:
          "Princess Sybil, I therefore order that you shall stay in Alastair for as long as you may wish." I looked at him, nodding once. I was not to be punished; he knew it was not me. Vaughn has trapped himself in the trap we had set out for him. He stepped right in. 

         "Prince Vaughn, I humbly request for my mother in one piece by the end of the night or else I will be the one to give you war." I snarled. I was now livid with rage. I wanted my mother back from his captivity, I wanted the Dragber Stone. I wanted my father back. 

          "Oh, don't you worry about that old hag. She is right here." He replies, moving aside to reveal a scrawny woman wearing a baggy t-shirt and ripped jeans. Her face is covered with a sack bag to keep us from seeing her face. Vaughn dismounts his horse and was now slowly walking towards me, followed by his army who now had their swords in their hands. Matt blocks my way by standing in front of me. "You will have to drown me in my own blood before you get to her." He whispers as I flinch. What?!

          "Ah, love. Brother betrayal is the only thing you will see if I am out of the picture." Vaughn says, laughing maniacally. I move to stand next to Matt as I cross my arms. "If I am out of the picture? No, it's 'When I am out of the picture,'" I correct him as his jaw tightens.
          "Show me her face." I command; however, he does not pay heed and continues to smirk. "Show me her damn face!" I shout this time, feeling the adrenaline rise up to its core. I flinch as Vaughn raises his armed hand once again, "War!" He shouts as his army lunges forward and start attacking the folk as they fight back with their drawn swords. Vaughn stands near a large tree as he watches the ignition of destruction of his own people. Matt is now lost in the chaotic crowd, and I am still in chains.
          "Hey Princess!" I hear someone call out and I look just in time to avoid his blow, bringing my chained hands up as his large sword breaks them into pieces. I grab his armed hand as I twist to the left, causing him to yelp in pain. I pick up the sword that had just left his grip and stab him deeply in his heart. "Checkmate." I whisper hurriedly. Another buff man was now running at me with a sack bag in his hands. "I see where this is going," I breathe as I take my position, bringing the bloody sword up to my chest. As he lunges forward, I move to the right, then I kick him in his knees bringing him down to the ground. He meets my gaze and as I am about to decapitate him, he reaches inside his sleeve to pull out a long, sharp ended dagger and with a sly move, he slices my calf. "Agh!" I holler as I regain my strength and decapitate him on the spot. I kill the soldiers one by one as I limp my way to the horse where the woman sits in horror, not moving due to fear of getting shot by one of the arrows as they shower on Vaughn's army. I duck as one of the soldiers swings his sword at my head.
          I finish him off quickly before hiding behind one of the horses as Livie's army starts another wave of arrows showering at Vaughn's army. After they calm down, another army of folk emerge from the hillside, Livie is leading them on. I watch in admiration as she kills them off one by one and before I can turn around, a sharp pain in my side makes me scream. All I see is red, I turn around to see Vaughn with his sword still in my side. He twists it around as I let out an agonized cry. 

          "You know, when I first imagined doing this to you, you had let out a cry just like that, but along with that, you begged me to let you go on your knees. I would like to see you like that." He whispers into my ear as I suffer in pain. "You are just like Matthew. There is no difference, I just want my mother back and I will leave you to rot in this place." I choke as he abruptly lifts my chin up to make me look at him. "Don't you ever compare me to that muck. Now is the moment that I realize that I was not meant to save the world, rather to watch it burn down." He says in a deep voice, while pushing his sharp blade deeper and deeper into me. 

          "Vaughn, don't do this. Please, Cordelia won't be your ally if you end my life, you need me!" I gasp while slowly placing my hands on his upper thighs. He turns me so that I am facing him, tears are pricking my eyes, but I carry on with the plan. "What are you doing?" He asks, his voice has gone deep, and he is now looking deeply into my glittering eyes. "Don't you see? I want you too. I- I'm sorry for being so foolish and for not taking your side through everything. That is not what a lady should be doing." I say slowly, trying my best not to stutter. I cannot believe my ears, what the hell am I doing?! Every word of mine send daggers to my heart and it seems that the clashes of metal are not as loud as the constant beating of my heart.
          "Come on," he whispers, and he takes my hand, taking me far from the battlefield. "Where are you taking me?" I ask, puzzled by his acts. "Taking you away from Alastair, from my brother and from all those who would try to take you away from me." He replies with a hushed tone as we stop near a large tree. My back hits the tree trunk as his body presses against mine. I hate this, I hate all of this. He leans in to kiss me, but I place my index finger on his lips to stop him. "You have to earn my trust first, gentleman." I say politely. I am not sure if he liked what I just said but it sure as hell is true. He flinches as I place my hands on his clothed chest. "You either hate it, or you love it." I whisper in his ear as my hand slides into his pockets. I feel it, the stone is in here. "I will never hurt you, my princess. You can trust me." He says as he melts in my touch.

          "Yes, well you may think you are winning but, checkmate." I whisper in his ear as I hold out the stone in front of his eyes. I duck as he reaches for my hand. I take advantage of my small height and crawl away from between his legs. I sprint towards the battlefield as he lets out a frustrated yell. 

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