Chapter 25

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          "Yes, well you may think you are winning but, checkmate." I whisper in his ear as I hold out the stone in front of his eyes. I duck as he reaches for my hand. I take advantage of my small height and crawl away from between his legs. I sprint towards the battlefield as he lets out a frustrated yell. 

          He is after me, I know he is. Why the hell would he not sprint at me. I am now panting as I sprint throw the twigs and bushes that are coming in my way. My dagger is pulled out and I am cutting them out of the way, the stone is burning in my hand due to the scorching heat. "Liv, please," I whisper hurriedly as I hope to God, she comes to get me out of this sticky situation. "Sybil!" I hear Vaughn shout my name through the forest. The clash of metal can no longer be heard. I think I have gone further away from the battlefield, right? God, I have a terrible sense of direction.
          I look at the stone in my hand and all I can see is me staring back at myself through the darkness that damn stone carries. My side hurts even more than the last time, I suppose my wound is getting infected. "Ah, it's you. My lady," I hear a deep calm voice say from behind me. I turn around to see Luke bowing. I hide the stone behind my back as I look at him, confused and shocked. "Gosh, Vaughn has done a good job I suppose?" He says, laughing manically as he looks at my wound. I scowl at him, hiding the pain from my face.
          "I see you have the stone?" He says, raising a dirty blonde eyebrow as he points to my hands behind my back. "Uh n-no? Why would I have the stone? And what st- stone?" Shit, could I not stutter in times like these? "Yeah, well cut the crap Sybil, I know you have it and I'm going to need it back." He speaks. I raise my eyebrow. He certainly isn't the one to boss me around and I don't care about the consequences. "Oh, come on Luke, won't you tell me how Adrik and his puppets are? Aren't you going to tell me how you lied to your own friends who 'saved your life'?" 
          "Let's not change the topic, shall we? Hand me the stone, now!"
          "Won't you say please? Won't you ask about how my life is going here? Won't you tell me more about Harvard, oh wait that's right, you didn't get in." I could sense the anger rising in his face. 
          "You are going down, b*tch." He whispers as he lunges forward. I duck and kick him in his stomach as he lets out a painful groan. "Think about it. Think about it well, my dearest high school bully," I say as I pick up his sword that had just hit the ground, while still clutching my side with my hand. I put the stone in my cleavage to keep myself from losing it. "I will not let you step over me like that. Know that whosoever shall try to break me down, I will burn them into ashes." I think about Matthew and that day at school when he had told me how he wanted me dead. My grip on the sword tightens as Luke staggers forward, getting up. 

          "Boss," Vaughn catches up to us, his breath is shaky as he bows down. At this point I am glad he is here as it gives me more time to regain my strength however my vision is slightly getting blurred.  "I tried my best, I tried catching her, but she is too fast." He finishes, looking me in the eye. It is as if all emotions are gone from his eyes, like he does not even know me. "Enough!" Luke shouts, sending a shock through my entire body but I stand firmly. "She clearly has a wound and you still could not catch her? What the hell are you?" He says angrily as he reveals a Glock from within his large, black suit. A device from the mortal world I assume. "What is that? Boss, I apologi-"


         I watch in horror as I watch his body falls to the ground. His head is gushing out blood just like my wound. He remains on the grass, lifeless, as the filthy smell fills the atmosphere. "Now, I am going to ask for the stone, one last time. Be a good little girl and hand it over before the poison spreads and I take it from you myself." He was walking towards me with the Glock in his hand as I back off.
          "What poison?" I manage to say as my vision gets blurrier than before. He lets out a chuckle as he stairs into my confused eyes. "That wound. The sword was poisoned. Go, spend the remaining time of your life with the people you love. Oh wait, that's right, Oli and Wyatt are probably already dead."  No, this cannot be happening. "Aghh!" I yell as I strike the sword towards his head with all my might, but he ducks, using my technique.
          Tears are now pricking my eyes and without striking a second blow, I turn around and start running. "The stone!" Luke yells back but I run past the thorns and bushes as they prick my entire body. I do not care about the poison or the pain I feel, nor do I care about my blurring vision and the weakness that consumes me.
          My legs are shaky, but I run on, until I can hear the rushing of the nearby river and the clanks of metal. "Ouch!" I shriek as a sharp ended leaf touches my bare, wounded skin. "Sybil?" I hear Matt shout from somewhere. I follow his yells as I run on and on, trying to keep myself up on my feet. "Come back here, you little piece of shit!" I can hear Luke yell at me as I run ahead of him.
          "Where were you? Wait, who did that to you." I am stopped by Matt, his large bloody hands are on my shoulders as I gasp for more air. "Doesn't matter. He is here for the stone." I take the Dragber stone out to show him, but his eyes are fixated on me. "Is everything a joke to you?" He says in pure disappointment and worry, sending electric bolts through my body. "Why can't you just let it go?!" I shout back at him, shoving the stone in his chest so that he can take it, but he does not. Luke catches up to us and I feel like throwing up, but I try not to show myself weak. The pain increases with every minute that goes by and I feel like collapsing but the war is not yet over. 

The Missing Prophecy (COMPLETED) (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now