Chapter 7

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          "And who are these? Did your father send prisoners?" He speaks. I turn around to see a tall man towering above me, another guy by his side. I back down a bit and bump into Olivia.
          He has jet black hair falling to his eyes, beautiful dark green eyes and white, moist skin with a deep reddening scar stretched across his face, from under his right eye all the way to the mid of his left cheek. 
          He wears rings in almost every finger and his nails are painted black. He wears black trousers and a white shirt that falls lose on his chest with frills at the neck and wrists. He wears an earring in his left ear which gives him a more dangerous look.
          The mermaid walks past us and over to the guys, tucking her arm in his arm, the guy with the green eyes, flashing us a toothy, mocking smile. "Nope, they just appeared out of nowhere."
          He looks at me, raising an eyebrow. I try to ignore the fact that he just referred to us as 'prisoners,' as if we committed a high-end crime for which we must be punished immediately.
          "I'm Wyatt. This is Olivia," Wyatt cuts in, sensing the bad energy, pointing at Livie. The guy with the green eyes looks at me, an unreadable expression on his face. "And you?"
          "Sybil Cruz." I reply hastily. "We're here to-" He cuts me.
          "Yeah, I don't care about your tragic sob story, so why don't you just, evaporate. Is that what they call it in the mortal world Christopher?" The guy standing next to him nods.
          He has a buzz cut and looks so much tougher than the guy standing in front of me. He is adorned in simple clothing, far less alluring than what the other guy is wearing.
          His answer makes me feel so much more beneath him and I hate it with my guts. He doesn't even know what I was about to say, and he just assumed that it was a 'sob story,' as if! 

          "Well, you humans should depart before the sun sets. Legend says there are monsters at night, looking for their prey." Christopher says in a frightening voice as if it will scare us.
          "Well, that was something..." Liv sighs. They just left in the direction of the Grand Castle, and we are left behind next to the river.
          "Who do you think they are though?" Wyatt asks, puzzled.
          "Probably a Prince, did you see the amount of jewelry he was wearing?" I answer, keeping my eyes glued to the river. With that, we start making our way closer to the Grand Castle in the hopes of finding a place to camp outside. Barging inside the royal castle seems like a bad idea right now.
          It is pitch black by the time we spot the Grand Castle, and we only have sleeping bags with us, so we set it on the ground and light a fire with the help of twigs we found on our way to the castle and a rock to ignite it.
          Hours pass and we talk on and on about what the day at school would've been like today, how my mother would've reacted to the letter I had left her and if Adrik and his friends would've found another victim to pick on. "Okay but seriously, when do we go inside? I'm kinda scared to sleep here tonight..." Wyatt says, looking over at the enormous castle right in front of us, darkness covering every inch of the forest.
          I shrug, not knowing myself.
          "Maybe tomorrow we will pay the King and the Queen a visit." Olivia suggests.
          "Sounds like a good idea." I agree with her and with that, we all go to sleep.

          I wake up to the screams of Wyatt. I wake up with a jolt, looking around as my heart beats violently in my chest. Livie is on her feet, her arm draped around Wyatt's shoulders. Abnormally large leeches cling onto Wyatt's sleeping bag.
Standing right next to me with a cunning smirk on his face is the prince with the mermaid and his pal.
          "You! What do you want from us?!" She shouts, looking back at Wyatt. The trio looks up at her and laugh viciously.
          "For God's sake, you're too funny. We were just kidding," He laughs again, clapping his hand on his thigh. "Oh, and its Prince Kai Sylvester of Alastair," he says, saluting while barely containing his laughter. "This is Christopher and that's Princess Eleanor of Cordelia. I realized we never introduced ourselves yesterday. From now on, you three are our friends, and friends never betray each other am I right?"
          Before any one of us can answer him, I'm on my feet and charging towards him. 
          "Yeah, well guess what genius. You just broke your own rule. Now pick these leeches up." I spit out, my face is mere inches away from his. I fight the urge to squeeze his throat between my fingers, but I know that by doing so, we might get kicked out of here before I even find the answers to my questions.
          He holds up his hand to Christopher to stop him in his tracks. My heart is pounding in my chest but one thing about me is that I'll throw myself under the bus if it means standing up for my friends.
          "I like me a feisty chick," he says through barred teeth, closing in the gap that I thought was physically not possible anymore. His gaze is piercing holes in my soul, and I try not to flinch and lower my gaze.

          "Are you losing your temper already Kai? I thought friends stick together and don't betray each other." I taunt, folding my arms over my chest, making some space between us. "Pick them up, now." I repeat. The heat radiating from his body is concerning. His bottom lip quivers and I think I just evoked rage in him. He has nothing to say. I just spat his own words back in his mouth and he has nothing to defend his pride and power. I can't help but smirk as I watch him ignite.
          Before I can process what has just happened, his large hand closes in on my throat, squeezing until my windpipe is practically useless. I am lifted up as I claw at his hand, and he watches me as my face turns into the 50 shades of blue and purple.
          "Let go of her you prick!" I hear Livie shout, but Kai doesn't move an inch. He is staring at me as if he wants to devour every piece of me.
          "Listen here you little slut, I was trying to be nice to you by declaring you and your little group of idiots as my friends but now you've proven what your worth. You better not mess with me bombshell, 'cuz you'll be sorry." He finishes and finally let's go of my throat that I'm sure is going to bruise by tomorrow.
          I greedily fill in my lungs with oxygen, my hand on my throat to ease the pain but it doesn't work. I meet his eyes and he smirks back at me. He turns around and after one nasty look from both Christopher and Eleanor, they follow him out. 
          "Oh my God, are you guys alright?" Someone asks from behind me, and I turn. Standing beside Wyatt is a handsome, tall man. He has jet black wavy hair that are a bit shorter than Kai's hair length. His dark eyes dart from me to Wyatt to Olivia, his forehead creased as if he is concerned. He wears a navy-blue doublet, his fingers are adorned with heavy jewels, and he wears two earrings. I swear if this is another prince and if he's like Kai, I'm going to tackle him myself.

          As if he senses the awkward silence, he clears his throat and introduces him to us, shaking Wyatt's hand and kissing the back of Livie and I's hand.
          "It's Vaughn. Prince Vaughn Sylvester. I am Kai's brother, firstborn son of the King of Alastair. I am greatly sorry for his behavior. Surely, he's not used to mortals coming to visit so often."
          "I forgive him though, I'm sure he just needs a hug and some flowers," Wyatt says and Livie steps away from him, almost shoving him in the nearby bush. I look away embarrassed. 
          "Oh, you're too kind sir, I'll be sure to let him know." Vaughn replies, looking at all of us as he smiles. I notice how charming he looks with that one dimple. I can't help but smile back. He's gorgeous and I think I'm falling head over heels for this man. I think I'll do anything to protect him from the cruel world we're trapped in.
          Livie is melting beside me, and I just know she approves of him already. Vaughn is looking around at the sleeping bags and the leeches stuck to Wyatt's sleeping bag. The concern he got rid of is back on his face. "You guys slept here?" he asks.
          "Uh yeah," Livie says, her eyes never leaving Vaughn.
          He curses under his breath, running a hand through his hair as he meets her eyes briefly before they go to me.
          "I'm so sorry. For everything, after all a pretty girl like you shouldn't be staying out at night with your friends. It's dangerous." He says, fidgeting with one of his rings as he stares into my eyes. 
          After a pregnant and awkward pause, Wyatt clears his throat loudly to break us from our stance. Am I crazy or am I crazy? I don't know for sure yet...
          "Uhm, yeah. I'll ask Freda to lead you to your chambers in the Grand Castle. I'm sure I'll be saying you around?" He arches a brow and I nod. After kissing the back of Livie and I's hand again and nodding at Wyatt, he disappears into the forest.

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