Chapter 27

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She changed her mind about me regarding Matthew and Vaughn's parents. I have come to believe that Wy and Livie are dead and that I will never see them again, but I will not let Luke live on like that. He will taste vengeance very soon. 

I take Ace to his shed to remove the straps from his back and I am joined by Matthew. "Did Luke hurt you?" He asks as we enter the sheds, concern visible on his face.
"Vaughn." I say simply, trying to finish off my work quickly so that I can leave. I hate him for who he is, I hate him for caring so much. I hate him for being double faced, and I hate how he acts as if it does not affect me. There is a long silence, and he finally speaks. "You look pale, go sit down, I'll finish up unstrapping Ace." 
"It's fine, you can go now." Once again, there is a long pause and I feel his eyes on me, though I do not dare to look at him. 
"Those bloodstained clothes really do bring out your eyes..." I look up at him to find him pissed off. "Wha-" 
"I am being sarcastic. Now sit down or I will escort you to your room myself. I am sure you would not want that." 

Why the hell would I let him take me to my room, that's bullshit! Nevertheless, I obey him for the first time, not because I have submitted to him but because of the aching pain that has never ceased. I sink down to the floor, clutching my side. I wince but try not to make a sound and attract more attention than I already have. "Luke killed Prince Vaughn." I manage to say after some time. It is surprising how I feel slightly broken even after everything he put me through. It was a hell of a time, but I managed to stay alive, rather than being happy and having that sense of freedom I craved to have, I somehow feel empty. It might be because I am decaying slowly. "Yes, one of the redcaps told me shortly after we arrived," he says calmly. How can he be so calm? He was his brother, his own blood... "You look awfully sick. Wait here." He says as he moves to the other side of the shed. I feel like throwing up, my sense of sight is worse than ever, and I am drenched in cold sweat. I try to stand but I am too weak to do so, instead I try to crawl out of the shed. I have to go and check upon my mother, she must be waiting for me. Before reaching the gates, my vision starts to darken, and I decide to close my eyes just for a few minutes to regain my strength and shake off the sleepiness I feel.

I suddenly wake up to find myself in complete white space, with no land and no ceiling above my head. I bring up my arms to my eyes due to the brightness the space carries. "Hello?" I call out, in hopes of finding at least someone. "Is anyone there?" Not a moment later I feel a disgusting taste in my mouth, this is what I would call bile. I start to vomit out blood, definitely not bile. I am beyond horrified, and so, I clutch my mouth tightly in order to make it stop. I feel sick to my stomach, and I feel like letting out a blood curdling scream. "What's happening to me?" I scream as I feel a sharp pain in my side. I look at it, only to find myself in a pool of glittering, crimson blood. At first it came thick and strong, flowing through my fingers as they clasped the ripped flesh. I felt the blood move over my hand, the thick fluid no warmer or cooler than my own skin. Not a while later it felt as if someone had clasped their hand on my neck, pressing down hard. I am choking and I can't breathe. I try to scream but I can't. I kick and punch in the air, but it does not meet my opponent. I tightly shut my eyes but when I open them again, I am horrified to see Queen Veronica choking me. I drop my act of self-defense immediately as I proceed to stare into her beautiful shining eyes.

"You must save the prince at all costs." Is all she says before she lets go of me and allows me to stand on the ground, the only difference is that my feet do not meet any land at all. It takes me a moment before I realize that I am falling, through the bright blue sky and the cotton-like clouds. I look down and let out a horrified shriek as I find myself getting closer and closer to the green land.

"Sybil?" I hear a faint voice ring in my right ear. "Sybil are you up yet?" The voice is getting louder and louder and with a scream caught in my throat and sweat on my brow, I bolt upright to find myself in a room that I do not recognize. I start looking for my knife and try to get off the bed, but I am pushed back in bed by a tall figure. It is dark in the room so I cannot figure out who has held me captive. "I have to find the prince, I do not have much time to spare!" I yell at whoever is towering over me. "Calm down Sybil, I'm here." I hear him speak, softly in my ear. His voice sends shivers down my spine. What happened to me? Where am I and why is he even here when I specifically don't want him near me? When I try to get up and move away from him, he once again does not let me to do so. "If you want to get better, you have to do as I say. Obey my commands and you will be well. It's the least I can do for what you have done for me." He speaks. My vision is getting better, and I can make out where he stands. My head is pounding though, it is far worse than before and memories from a few hours ago are flashing in front of my eyes like a live movie. He lights up a few candles and I finally realize where I am, his room. I look at the wound Vaughn gave me and find it stitched up. Blood has dried up on my hands, clothes and my side and I smell terribly disgusting. "Why did you bring me here?" I manage to say in between coughs. "You have had the satisfaction of shaming me in front of all of Alastair, don't make me take my revenge right now while I am on the edge of death." He looks at me as though he is pitying me.

"You?" He scoffs. "You're going to take revenge? Women really do speak more than what they can achieve. I would love to see you try, Princess of Sea." He says, mockingly. The nerve!
"I should have just killed you when I had you right in my arms!" I shout in frustration and to make matters worse, Matthew is not at all phased. 
"Yes, you should have," he says. "I'm sure I would end up being dead if you are the one killing me. You are different Sybil, I believe in you." He says with a sudden shift in his tone. "If it makes you feel any better, I'll let you strike first." He gives me a toothy smile. Obviously mocking me, once again. I roll my eyes and slowly try to get off the bed. Matt blocks my way and I hold up my index finger at him. "Don't. I seriously cannot stand you." You may think that there might be a possibility we both might like each other, heck that's what Olivia suspected as well but let me assure you, I can barely hold back my puke just by looking at him, let alone talking to him. "Where do you think you're running off to? You've been poisoned remember?" He calls from behind me. I find my knives at a nearby desk and pocket them. I open Matt's closet and take his long, sharp ended sword along with its sheath. "Woah, wait up, where do you think you are going with that?" I pull on one of his cloaks and attach his sheath to my hip and I turn around to face him. "From Heaven to Hell. I will look under every rock until I find my best friends." I cover my face with the cloak and leave the chambers. I try not to walk too fast or move too much as the motion might rip open my stitches and cause further problems. "Wait." I hear him say and I turn around to find him with one of his close guards. He mutters something to Rapscallion and nods to his right, Rapscallion immediately marches off. "Lady Coraline asked for you. I will go look for your friends." He says, his hands behind his back and his head high. I scoff at his stupidness of throwing himself under the bus. "Why does everything have to be a struggle with you? I get it that you want to show off your power over me but don't forget that I will be the one striking first, I will be the first one to drive the blade through your heart, I promise you that,"
"Oh, and you can tell Rapscallion to save his efforts of bringing an army to help me out if that's what you told him to do." 
"If you are so sure of yourself then go on. Hit me in the face. Let me test your guts, surely you cannot hit a soon-to-be king right in the face." He says, folding his arms to seem bolder. 
"Alright, if you insist." I say, punching him right in the face and as I do so, I think I hear a few cracks, but I am not sure. He staggers back, clutching his jaw. He is watching me as if he has never seen me before, I don't give him the satisfaction of staring back at him as I take my leave. I am surprised of my own attitude, I'm not sure if I'm me. I would never do that to someone who is far much more powerful than me. I try to escape the shame by brisk walking up to my chambers where my mother is resting. 

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