Chapter 23

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          I turn around to see Vaughn on his brown horse with an army of spies and soldiers behind him. He was now raising his hand and had his large sword with him. "I think she should not be exiled but decapitated. And I know now brother, that you will never let that happen and so, I therefore declare war!" I look at Matthew, his jaw clenched tightly as he stares into his brother's eyes. "Speak smartly, brother. They asked for justice and justice it shall be." He yells. He was now looking back at me. "Princess Sybil, I therefore order that you shall stay in Alastair for as long as you may wish." I looked at him, nodding once. I was not to be punished; he knew it was not me. Vaughn has trapped himself in the trap we had set out for him. He stepped right in. 

Two Nights Ago:
          There is a knock at my door after 15 minutes of me beating myself up and holding myself responsible for the death of the royal couple. I wipe away the tears before opening the door to the cruel society and the world outside. "We need to talk." Matt says, coming inside along with Livie, Wyatt and Chris. They remove their masks as they look around the room, at the mess that I am in. "Woah, who said you could barge into my room like that?" I sniff as my nose was running. "You look worse than Matthew, are you OK?" Christopher asks, genuine care in his voice, something that he never really shows on a daily basis. I look over at Livie, Wyatt and then at Matt.
          "Since when did you start giving a shit." I mutter as I move away. Wyatt goes to lock the chamber door as Matthew grabs my arm and walks me over to the twin sized bed, followed by the others. "Where's Eleanor?" I ask Chris and him as we all sit down. "She did not want a part in this, said it was better if we let you die." Christopher says, folding his arms as Matt searches in his sack bag for something. "Here," he says hurriedly, handing me a piece of paper. I look at him, confused but Wyatt moves in closer to me and urges me to open it quickly. "Livie found this in his bed chambers." I open the rusted paper to find a long letter, addressed to-
          "Luke?!" I gasp out loud. I quickly start reading the letter.

          Dear Master Luke,
The girl will not come to me, I tried showing love and affection, but she is too stubborn to give in. Do you suggest I abduct her? If she does not marry either you or me then the throne is Her's. I will be waiting for your reply.
Yours Truly,

           "Olivia and Wyatt say he used to go to school with you in the mortal world, should we be worried?" Matt is now looking directly in my eyes, eager to find an answer. "So, you do not want him on the throne either?" I ask him, shoving the crumbled paper in his hand with force. He shuffles uncomfortably, then looks up at me again. "My brother is a curse. To you, to me and to all of Alastair. And in your case, to Cordelia as well. What I want is not the throne but the Dragber Stone, which I assume, you want as well,"
           Now I know what it is called, and he wants it too. He looks so determined to get the information out from me, but I will not make such a mistake until I am certain of his plans. "I am sure you know of the war that had broken out between Cordelia and Alastair years ago. In an answer to the bad luck they received, they had cursed me when I was still in my mother's womb." He looked at Livie and Wyatt and Christopher, upon seeing his expression, walked outside with the two, leaving him and I in my chamber. When the door shuts behind them, he moves in closer to me, revealing his long fangs with his gloved hand.
          "You're a vampire? Yeah, I have seen those before." I say, not surprised of his sudden shift in mood from being nervous to being disappointed in my solid answer. "No, Sybil. I was born a werewolf. I have learnt to control the internal changes, but I still sometimes lose control on a full moon. For which I have to flee and go far from Alastair or else I can be danger to the folk. I have to destroy that stone publicly so that the curse of Baba Yaga could be reversed." He finishes, his eyes are gleaming with hope again as he looks at me eagerly, waiting for a response. 

          The guys and Livie were now back, I had decided to keep his secret as long as he would help me in my mission. If he breaks the treaty, I was to tell the folk about him, which would then result in his death. "Fair." I say, shaking his hand. He had told me more about the witch who had cursed both Land and Sea and her name is, indeed, Baba Yaga. He had told me that in order to reverse the curse, someone had to hand over a powerful foe or a friend's skull. 
          "Tomorrow at the funeral, we will decide upon exiling you. Vaughn will come with Luke to get you out and then force you into tying the knot with Luke. However, Livie will be hidden behind the bushes along with an army of archers surrounding the area," He continues. "You will then surrender and go with Luke's army, back to his hiding and seduce him into giving you the Dragber Stone-"
         "Woah, hold it there genius. Seduce? There is no way I am going to go to someone's bed, let alone Luke's." I mutter. I am going to be ashamed of myself later if this news finds its way to the mortal world to Adrik's group of rats. "There is no way I am to seduce him. Bring up another plan." They all roll their eyes in defeat and start thinking again. My shivering had not yet stopped so I walk over to my closet and wear the cloak I had shoved inside.
          "Uhm Sybil, you good?" Livie is standing next to me. The back of her hand is placed on my forehead as she checks my temperature. The guys watch as Livie brings me back to the bed. "She has a cold. You should come back tomorrow, and we shall see if she is able to continue with the plan." She says as she chases the guys out of the room with the wavering movement of her hands. I slip into my covers, muttering a 'thank you' as I drift off to sleep. All the information was clouding my head and some had also not made sense.

The Missing Prophecy (COMPLETED) (Undergoing Editing)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ