Chapter 10

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          I panic. Everything around me is blacking out as I kick in the air, struggling to get free from his warm grip. I can't breathe. I struggle against his grip, sinking my nails into his skin to make him stop, however it seems that the harder I do that, his grip around my throat only tightens.
          I close my eyes as my limbs go numb. I let go of his hand and give up kicking. I feel weak. Just then I fall to the ground and slowly open my eyes.
          "Enough, if she dies, we won't have fun anymore." I see Kai standing in front of Chris, holding him back as he watches me with concentration. Eleanor rolls her eyes.
          "What fun are you, seriously Kai." She says as she walks off. I get up as soon as I regain my strength, though I still feel a tad bit dizzy, and immediately start for the doors leading towards the chambers.
          I climb up the stairs and make my way to my room. I let my hair loose and strip off my dress. I lay down on my bed, looking up at the dark sky as tears run side my face. I can't believe they just tried to kill me. How dare they.
          If I only exist for their entertainment, then they exist for my entertainment. I inspect my bruises while looking at my reflection in the dagger. It looks bad, the purple color is growing already.
          "Damn it. Damn him." I'm mostly furious with Kai as the others are his puppets and they only do what he asks them to do. I'm sure Eleanor wasn't as pleased with keeping me alive. I wear the clothes I had on earlier and put the daggers in my sheaths with one in my cleavage just in case. I am about to swing open the doors and go outside when Olivia walks inside.
          "I thought I saw you coming up here, what happened?" She asks, confused. 

          I push back all the emotions I am feeling and push back my shoulders.
          "I left early. Where's Wyatt?" I ask, looking behind her.
          "Oh, he left. Said he wanted to take a walk with Luke-"
          "Luke's here?" I ask, astonished. How is he here? I certainly don't want to deal with more rascals like him.
          "Yeah, that's exactly what I said. Wyatt said not to worry though, said that he's only here to explore that's all. Maybe he won't have a problem with you after realizing what you are capable of." She smiles. The worst part is that I don't feel powerful at all right now. I feel like power has been drained out of me as soon as Christopher placed his hands on me. I hate that even though I was practicing well enough, I still let him choke me. I go back inside and grab my crossbow and a bag of arrows.
          "I'm going out." I say as I slip past her and into the hallway.
          "Alright fine. I'm getting ready for bed. Be back soon I want to tell you some things." She calls after me and I acknowledge her.
          As I descend the stairs, I spot one of the chamber doors slightly open, I hear people talking in hushed voices.
          I peak inside and see Vaughn talking to a group of masked people. They are wearing all black and have covered their faces in such a way that only their eyes are visible.
          "As soon as the party comes to an end and people start to leave. I need you, you and you to barge into the halls and strike. If these three men fail, I need you and you at the backup. I need archers situated in the shadows and if you fail as well. Then there will be no choice but for me to attack along with him." I hear Vaughn speak. 

          Although he is wearing the mask, I can still make out his dark eyes, his gloved hands and his deep voice.
          I hide behind one of the pillars as I hear them stepping out of the chambers. I don't know who Vaughn is striking against and I wonder if Kai and the royal couple has this in their knowledge.
          I shouldn't be thinking of Kai right now, idiot. Vaughn never mentioned this before. Was he hiding this from me, or did he not want me to worry or something?
          I spot one of his spies walking over in my direction. I must take advantage of that. As he gets closer, I place my hand on his mouth and kick the back of his knee so that he is on the ground on both his knees.
          I've been training with Vaughn nonstop ever since the King told him to. I know a thing or two now. He looks at me, panicked and tries to fight but I pull out one of the daggers and place it to his throat.
          "If you make noise, I will rip you apart." I whisper in his ear, and he stops struggling instantly. He nods, eyes wide at me.
          "Clothes, now." The cretin keeps on staring at me, so I press a little harder on his throat. Skin has slightly teared apart and his blood starts to drip down my arm. He winces in pain as I push him behind one of the pillars. He strips his clothes and hands them over to me.
          I look like a goddamn mafia in these clothes. They're still lose on me, but it'll do.
          "Who's he attacking and why?" At this point my patience can only stretch so far and he knows that. He gulps and answers me with slight hesitation.
          "T- the King a- and the Queen," He stutters. My world is about to collapse. Ever since I stepped foot in Alastair all I wanted to do was pledge my loyalty to the King and Queen. 

          Why the hell would Vaughn want to get rid of them? Unless he wants what any other traitor would want. Power. 
          "Stay here and count till 30. If you move, you die." I tell him as I pull up my mask and start making my way to where the other spies are headed.
          Upon reaching the hall's doors in my spy outfit, I turn and see him crawling his way out of the castle. I target him, releasing my arrow as it tears into the spy's throat. He lets out a frustrated scream as he sinks into the floor, but he can't be heard due to the loud music echoing in the halls.
          "Told ya you'd die." I whisper as I turn around and blend in with the other spies. If this is headed towards war already, then I need to tell the others to leave. I have to find Livie and Wyatt.
          I have to end things with Vaughn after this war. I won't be involved in this shit; I don't want to be with someone who values power over family.
          The King and Queen are seated on their thrones, talking to a few immortal merchants. The crowd has not decreased yet. Couples are still dancing while some are drinking out of the gold cups, similar to the cup Kai had drunk from.
          I am reminded of how I was being choked just a moment ago and how Kai let Chris let go of me or his fun would've been over. Vaughn didn't even come check up on me. Well duh, he was busy daydreaming of decapitating his parents. I push back the dark memories as I sly foot up the stairs, drowning in the shadows, something that Vaughn had taught me not too long ago. Now I'm going to be the one using his own training against him.
          I make my way upstairs and lay back on my belly with the crossbow in my hands. I spot the other spies getting settled in their hiding spots. 

          There is still some time until the party comes to an end. I make my way to the other spies and almost curtesy, forgetting who I am in front of. I simply nod as I come back to my senses.
          "Good, you're here. Here sit back over there and wait for Boss's or-" I pull out my dagger and slice his throat open. The others rise immediately.
          One of the spies holds my arm, forcing me to give up my weapon. I jump and step on the fence, doing a backflip and hitting him with my foot right in the face. He staggers back, placing his hand on his nose.
          My angered yells and their wails are being blocked out by the never-ending loud music. I look down at the stage and spot Kai dancing with a brunette, her arms around his neck while his hands are resting on her waist. Her head is tipped back as she laughs at something he has said.
          He is smiling, looking at her in the eye. I look back just in time to avoid getting hit in the face by one of the bastards. I grab his arm and duck, swinging past him and kicking him in the leg. I slice his throat open with more force.
          I spot another spy situated at the other side of the fence, near the staircase at the other end of the walls. He looks at me and sees the bodies right next to me. He targets me with his crossbow as I duck and take shelter behind pillars, making my way to him.
          As I move to the other pillar, one of the arrows fly right past me. I move back just in time to avoid another blow. Realizing this won't work, I take my crossbow out and target him from behind one of the marbled pillars.
          I pull it back to an extent where I believe it is going to strike him in his stomach and let go. The arrow flies right into his stomach as he tries to move past it. He falls back to the ground.
          "Finally..." I sigh. I look down and spot some more spies making their way inside the throne room. I quickly run downstairs to where everyone is dancing and spot Kai once again. I should just leave him there to die. 

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