Chapter 12

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I am devastated. I fell for his trap. I have been betrayed. I wonder where Livie and Wyatt are. I walk over to my bathroom, splashing water on my face and try to open the door, but it won't budge. I kick it but it won't open. I try to pick the lock with a pin I had in my hair but then I realize that it has been sealed shut with magic and it will only open if Vaughn himself demands of it. I cannot believe my luck. I rush over to my desk and grab a quill and a paper, I open the inkpot and start writing a letter. The ink looks like the color of blood as it spreads onto the rusty paper, leaking at the back. I press my quill, hard on the paper and scribble away.

I have been sealed shut inside my room. Stop him from killing the king and the queen. Stop him from handing over my mother to the Sea.

I copy the same message on another piece of paper and fold the two together. I walk over to the window and spot an owl sitting on the tree in the night, Cuckoo. Its gray-white fur falling perfectly on his big body, with his beady eyes as he gives me a death stare. I whistle and him as he looks at me again, lazily. "Come here Cuckoo!" I whisper yell. He flies to the windowsill, sitting on it as I hold the paper out to him. "One goes to Olivia and the other goes to Wyatt." I dismiss the owl as it spreads out his long wings disappearing in the night sky. I feel tired. I feel disgusted and horrible. Heck, I feel like I've sided with the villain in this whole confusing situation. I slowly make my way to the closet and wear something comfortable to go to bed to. As I make my way to blow out the candles, I hear a knock on the door. Feeling too tired to make my way to the door, I ask. "What?"
No response.
I sigh, getting off the bed and making my way to the door. I stop instantly at the sight of a small paper in my room, right next to the door. I pick it up at once, unfolding it to read the message from the certain someone.
'Don't worry. We're going to get you out of there.'

It didn't say who it was from, but to think that someone was at least struggling to get me out of there and prevent whatever scheme Vaughn was playing, was enough. I sigh heavily in relief and crash into my bed. I close my eyes tightly as I think about what had happened in the span of a few hours. I was tempted to get out of here and slap the shit out of Vaughn, to stab him in the heart. To become the King's archer. It didn't even matter if he had other plans for me, probably a knight. I just wanted to protect them, and keeping that in mind, my skills, I could then protect my mother too. And hopefully ask for forgiveness from the King on her behalf. My stomach grumbled. I don't know when I will be getting out but it better be quick. I sigh as I roll on my side, bringing the blankets up to my chest. "I'm so sorry Cora..." I mutter, drifting off to sleep.


"What did you do!" Coraline screams. Tears running down her face as she is surrounded in the pool of blood surrounding her. "What I should've done long ago Cora." He gazes at her deeply with drunken eyes. I cannot quite make his face, just his fiery eyes and a horrific smirk on his face. "You should have died with her. I should have killed you right there and then. We shouldn't have married. Hell, we shouldn't have met." She looked at her hand that was covering her side, blood running down her fingers. She looks at him again. "How could you! You married me because you loved me, met me because it was destiny, had a child with me because I was staying faithful to you and her!" She screams back at him, horror evident in her voice.

"Yes Cora, 'loved' I loved you. Not anymore." He says as he walks away with the child in his arms, her screams could be heard out in the halls while Coraline tried to get her away from him but she failed, sinking into the floor, weak due to all the blood she had lost.


I wake up, drenched in cold sweat and my mouth is covered with a warm hand. Someone is sitting on top of me trying to hold me down. I panic as I make aimless punches in the air to whoever was on me. I couldn't scream and I couldn't breathe. They press my arms down on the bed so that I could not move. I was shivering. "Shhh" The unknown voice said. It was dark in the room so I couldn't make out who it was. I calm down, something tells me I'm safe. Something tells me its Livie. In the distance I see candles being lit up and I can finally see properly. The person removes their hand from my mouth and stares down at me. It's Matt. "Calm down, calm down. Don't scream, please." He says as I move back in my bed, pulling the sheets closer to me. I was about to let out a blood curdling scream, but everyone stopped me. By everyone, I meant Livie, Wyatt and Matt. "Sybil!" Wyatt whisper yelled as he pulled me in for a tight hug. "What-is-he-doing-here?!" I managed as he was practically choking me. Matt was now standing with Olivia as she came closer to me, pushing Wyatt off me as she hugged me. I'm glad she came. I missed her and Wyatt. "Hey! I missed her, not only you." Wyatt told her as he pouted, sitting on my bed, crossing his arms together. "Get up kid, we don't have time." Matt tells Wyatt, pulling him by his ear. "Before decapitating me, you should know he offered to help when I begged him to. For your sake." Olivia whispered in my ear as she let me go of her welcoming embrace. I gulped. If he is here to 'help' me, that means he is up to something. That means he wants information that he is going to use against me just like Vaughn did. I get up, grabbing the dagger in my sweaty, cold palms that was placed under my pillow and close the distance between him and I. 

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