Chapter 6

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          It won't be much of a big deal for them to leave their houses. Wyatt lives in a one-bedroom apartment, alone. Livie's parents have no problem with her going out. She's always at someone's house for a pool party, or a sleepover, or God knows what, but I still have to figure out how to get past my mother without her catching me.
          As I get home, I have lunch with her, and everything seems pretty normal on her end. We talk about politics, we consider calling Alex again to help us move our furniture and we also talk about how my day went.
          I didn't tell her about Adrik and his friends, neither did I tell her about my plan for tonight. She's already got too much to worry about and now I'm going to add on to her worries when she finds my bed empty tomorrow, but I know that I must go.
          As the night creeps on, we head over to our rooms to get ready for the night. I lock the door behind me and write a note to Coraline, explaining everything and why I had to do what I did, hoping that she might forgive me with time.
          I start packing next. I wear a black top with black ripped jeans and wear a leather jacket to top it all off as it might get chilly in the night. I wear my converse and with that, I slide open my bedroom window and stumble outside, hurting my ankle in the process. I try my best to ignore the pain as I start limping towards the park.
          I have my hair up in a high ponytail and I'm covering my face with a black mask so that I am not recognizable as we live in a very small town and almost everyone knows my mother. It had rained earlier so the roads have rain puddles as I try to avoid them and not get my shoes dirty. It is a long walk, and I am tired already as I enter the gates to the park. 

          I spot Olivia sitting on one of the benches and she waves at me, and I walk over to her, sitting down so I could get a break before we depart again.
          "Got everything we might need?" She asks and I nod. There is a long pause and Wyatt still has not arrived. 
          "Love is something to be afraid of, you know. The fear of saying something that might drift you apart from your lover. The fear of messing things up before it even starts," Olivia mumbles, shuffling her feet and looking at the grassy ground. "It sucks." It catches me off-guard. I don't want to be the reason to take her away from her so-called lover. I wonder who this lucky person is. I smile at the thought.
          "You know you could stay if it is for him." She meets my gaze and smiles.
          "Don't worry, I won't miss him this time." I ponder over that for a bit.
          Olivia chose to wear a white blouse and a pair of blue floral jeans with embroidered hearts stitched on it. She let her hair loose and is wearing the tear drop earrings I got her for her recent birthday. I look at her, lost in my thoughts, thinking if I made the right choice to look super mysterious.
          "What?" She asks, smiling.
          "Nothing, just thinking if I overdid it. Don't get me wrong but you're the one with the better fashion sense." I say.
          "It isn't that bad kid. You look emo that's all." She chuckles as I scoff at her response. I start looking around to think of something that might be able to get us to the immortal world. I haven't yet tried to purposely compel something or someone so I'm not sure how this power works. I don't know if I even have magic. If I don't then our entire plan falls apart before it even starts.

          My eyes catch the sight of a few ravens sitting on the gates.
          "How exactly are we going to get there?" Olivia asks, following my gaze she gets the idea.
          "I think I may or may not have an idea. Let's just hope it works as I've never pulled this stunt before." I reply peculiarly.
          "This better work. If it doesn't, I'm going to be so mad that you ruined my beauty sleep." She babbled. Just then I see Wyatt running at us, his famous stupid grin on his face. He waves at us but fortunately trips over and falls face first onto the wet grass.
          He gets up, grins.
          He is just like my brother, and I cannot lose either of them. 
          "Guys! I brought some fish sticks. Do you think the faeries would like them?" He asks, looking at Olivia and then back at me. 
          "Holy shit..." Livie mumbles as she hides her face in her hands and I pat her shoulder to calm her down, looking at Wyatt accusingly.
          "Okay fine, I'll leave them behind..." He mutters, sitting down on the bench, arms crossed over his chest as we laugh again.
          There is a sudden change in the environment. The wind hustles past us, messing up Livie's hair and its colder now. Wyatt and Livie watch me as I stare back at them. The trees behind us rustle slightly and I spin around to find nothing but a black cat watching us.
          "We're being watched..." I breathe. I spin around again to find that the cat is pursued by an old woman.
          "Stacy?" I breathe, confused. I can feel the drained color from my face come back as my breathing steadies. "What're you doing here?"

          "Oh goodie! Will you kids lead me back home? This little fella over here wasn't sure which way to go either." She says, pointing at the cat. I nod with a side look at Wyatt and then at Livie.
          Stacy is my next-door neighbor. She has amnesia and she's pretty close to mom. Sometimes mom gets tired of the stories she tells us as she's said them before not too long ago, so mom only sends her deserts every now and then and checks in on her somedays as well.
          Stacy lives alone so we took the opportunity to look after her, I have no idea how to keep an eye on her when we move out, when mom moves out, I mean.
          As much as I would love spending some time with her before I ago, we have less time before something goes amiss.
          "Uhm, we can call a cab maybe? We're kind of in a hurry..." I chuckle slightly, hopefully she's okay with that. She nods. "Wait a minute, why are you kids out here at this hour? Come, I don't think your mother knows, does she?" Stacy eyes us suspiciously. I see Wyatt scratch his head and his mouth opens but I quickly interrupt.
          "We could ask the same question." I counter, folding my arms across my chest.
          "Oh, you know I came out for uh... To uhm..."
          "Yep! Your cab's here. Go home and rest for a while." Livie interrupts. She'll forget all this by tomorrow so we don't drop on our knees and plead for her not to leak our secret, though my mom would find out by tomorrow anyways. We pay the dude responsible for taking Stacy home before departing back to where I saw the ravens, their beady eyes following me.
          I start observing the crows with immense attention.
          I feel everything around me blurring out, everything starts spinning and I feel as though I'm floating yet I'm still on land. 

          I shut my eyes tightly against the nauseating feeling and just when I feel like this is all too stupid and won't work, I hear Wyatt. "Sybil! They're huge!" He chuckles, his voice bringing me back to reality.
          I open my eyes and spin around, before me are 3 black crows, triple the size of 5 humans stacked up. Their beady eyes are watching us closely as I slowly make my way to pet one of them. They look as though they might attack us right at this moment and our whole plan might go south which may end us up in a hospital rather than the immortal world.
          "You're a natural!" Olivia giggles. With that, we carefully mount on each of the crows and start our unforgettable journey to the magical Land of Alastair. The smell of fresh rain fills the cold air as it swifts past us. Our eyes widening at the height we are at; we try to keep our jaws set and not scream too loudly from excitement. Wyatt fails at that miserably. He's let go of the raven and is humming tuneless sounds, pointing at everything from above as he says something that's muffled due to the wind rushing past our ears.
          We admire the town from above, all the lights beneath us look like a sparkle of fireflies. The minute we land, the ravens turn their normal size, and we make our way up near the Grand Castle.
          It is an enormous castle with sea weeds covering its walls. The flag of Alastair I believe, hanging from both sides of the castle doors. The staircase leading to the castle looks like something that has been copy pasted from a fairytale. The rocky path leading towards the castle doors is wet and has ivy-leaved toadflax growing out from the cracks underneath. It is located deep inside a forest with a massive sea stretching across the horizon, the water looks very fresh so I think it can be safe for drinking and for cleaning up a bit.

          "Fill up your bottles, we might need it." I say, the others follow. As we are filling our bottles, I notice something swim past us. A shiver goes down my spine.
          "Did you see that?" Olivia asks.
          "Come on, don't worry it's probably Sybil's dead father." Wyatt says jokingly. I give him a nasty look.
          "Funny for you to assume that I will find delight in your not-so-funny jokes." He scowls at my response, making me laugh. When I look back at the sea, I notice a young girl come to the surface where we are situated. She has short, shoulder length dark hair with white streaks. Her skin tone is warm and gray, and her eyes are the color of the ocean. She wears a tiara that has been made from the bones of fish and other sea creatures. She wears earrings made from seashells, her tail is moist and, in a castleton green color.
          "You're a mermaid!" Olivia shrieks and she eyes us three with what appears to be disgust.
          "It's Princess Eleonor, and so what if I am. Who are you lot?" She demands.
          "Uhm, I'm Wyatt, this is Olivia and that's Sybil, I wouldn't make the mistake of making these two gorillas' friends though." He gives her a toothy smile and offers his hand. She declines the offer and sits on the sand next to us. I could feel Wyatt pouting even if my eyes were on the mermaid.
          Muttering some words under her breath, the sand rises to cover her, circling around her like a tornado. I get up, shocked. As the sand falls to the ground, it reveals her with human legs, and she gets up.
          "I see you've made it," A voice says from behind us, a male's voice.

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