Chapter 15

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Before I could ask her anything I hear a blood curdling scream coming from the first floor. "What was that..." Livie says, eyeing the door. My breathing is heavy once again, but I ignore it as we all rush downstairs to check up on everyone.

"It was you! I knew I shouldn't have trusted you filthy mortals. Look what you have done!" Matt shouts at me as I come into sight. I flinch at how hoarse and broken his voice is when he is upset, how dangerous he can get. "Look what you have done to him! He is no more!" He shouts once again but not at me. He is looking at someone else. I look at Matt and to my horror, King Victor's head is on Matthew's lap with a knife in his chest. He is lifeless, there is no saving now. It's too late. Queen Veronica lets out a horrified shriek as she runs past us to sit next to her husband and starts to weep. I back out a little and place my hand on Livie's arm. I look at her, horrified at what has happened, to see that her eyes glistened with tears as well. She looked at me as if I was the one who did it. She removes her arm from my grip quickly as if I was lava. "Guards, seize her!" I hear Queen Veronica command, however, no one moves. I look at them with wide eyes. "Come on, what are you waiting for?!" Matt yells at them once again but no one moves. 

"No one move. She will come with me." I hear a familiar voice come from behind me. Livie moves and stands next to the Queen, a horrified expression on her face as she processes what has happened and before I can make my way to her to convince her it wasn't me, someone grabs my arm and jolts me back to them. I shut my eyes tightly. This is it. This is where I die. I will die for something I haven't done, die without accomplishing what I had come for, die without seeing my mother for the last time. As I wait for death to come, I bump into someone, I slowly open my eyes and see that I am wrapped up in a tight embrace. The familiar scent of oak filling the gaps of my nostrils as anger consumes me once more. Before I could speak, I raise my hand and slap Vaughn across the face, a look of despair and filth on his face as he looks down at me, his left hand reaches up to his cheek. I get out of his tight embrace and make my way to Livie, looking at him while doing so. "So, this was your idea, huh?" I spit out. "This entire thing was your idea. To kill King Victor, to take over the throne and to hand over my mother to the Sea of Cordelia because with their help, you get to take the throne?" Matt, Livie and the Queen look up at me as I speak. "Do you have any idea as to who you have just get yourself into?" Vaugh looks at me, a confused look on his face. "I am just here to get you out of here, love." I hold up my hand at him, tears are now stinging my eyes. "Don't. Call. Me. That." I say. "We are done. We are over,"
"Oh, and I am not going to come with you and hand my life over to Cordelia just for your selfish luxuries, no. I am on my own." I finish, looking over to the Queen, "I am so sorry for your loss, Queen Veronica. But it was your son, not me." I tell her as I start making my way to the front gates. "Guards, grab her!" I hear Vaughn commanding them. My hand goes to the knife in my sheath as I grab it and start shedding blood to whoever comes in my way. Killing them one by one by kicking them, punching, and by slashing their throats open. My dress is now soaked with blood, I look terrifying, but I pay no heed. 

I see Vaughn running at me, so I do what I think is right and run at Matthew. After all, I said I wouldn't care if he died. I grab him by his doublet and tell him to get up. I wrap my arm around his neck and my other hand goes to his throat. I place the knife under his chin, and I can sense the fear he is feeling deep inside as he shuffles, letting out a "Humph" as I dig the dagger a little deeper in him, being careful not to kill him yet. "Don't do this Sybil. You are going to regret this later." Vaughn stops dead in his tracks, looking at me with wide eyes. "Just come with me, we can sort this out." 
"S-Sybil, you're choking m-me." Matt whispers in my ear. I can smell the scent that attracts me, but I try to shake my thoughts off. He is drunk. "Remain calm, Sylvester." I whisper back. I don't know what game I am playing, but I do know now that Vaughn does not like it, which means I am winning so far. "You think I cannot do it, huh? I will give you war Sylvester. You better watch out." I tell Vaughn through gritted teeth, making him flinch at my words. "Sybil, don't do this. I lost one, I cannot lose another." I hear the Queen say in between her delicate sobs. I look over at her with a sympathetic look, but I cannot lose again. I cannot back down now. Not when Vaughn has his most desired item in my hands. I think of Matthew as a stone, expensive but useless to me. And to Vaughn, he is otherwise. "Tell your puppets to get out of here. You are to stay here alone. Tell them to take all of your weapons away with them." I attempt to make a command, not sure if he will follow but to my surprise, he agrees immediately. 

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