Chapter 16

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"Tell your puppets to get out of here. You are to stay here alone. Tell them to take all of your weapons away with them." I attempt to make a command, not sure if he will follow but to my surprise, he agrees immediately.

"Where is she." I say. "Who are you talking about?" Vaughn replies, trying to make me rage. "You know very well who I am asking you about. Where is she!" I yell at him. A small smirk stretches across his face as he looks at me, his dark hair is brushed back and he is wearing a crimson doublet, a sword attached to his side. "She is where she is supposed to be." He says, sitting on King Victor's throne and looking over at the dead body. "Now you will let go of my brother and I will bring your mother back to you." I blink at him, trying to adjust the tall figure on the large throne. "Sybil, where's Wyatt?" I hear Livie speak from behind me. I tense at her words as I look around the room to find out that Wyatt indeed, is missing from this whole situation. I let go of Matt as he staggers forward, gasping for air. "I am done playing nice. Tell me where they are! I will vanish from your path and never stand in your way again. To hell with the crown!" I shout at him once again. He lets out a loud chuckle as he looks at me with those beady, dark eyes that I once found to be attractive.

"Very well," He says from the throne. "Matt, come back to your brother, do not come under her words." He looks over at Matt who is still breathless. His dark eyes identical to his brother's are adjusted on me. I look away from him, I do not want to be in between him and his brother but if it is about my family, I will make sure I get what I want. "No, you go bring that kid back here and take our father's revenge, then I will be yours." Matt gives me a hated look and then looks back at Vaughn. "Ah, if you insist little brother." I see where this is going. I watch to my horror as Vaughn's guards kick Wyatt into the large room. His hands are tied behind him as he falls to the ground, his eyes are welling up as he meets my gaze. "Sybil, I swear I-"
"Enough with the pleading already. Alvar, untie his hands." Vaughn says coldly. The guard obeys his master amd unties his hands and I am terrified to see that his hands are bloody. I hear Livie let out a gasp. "You! You killed him!" Queen Veronica lets out another terrifying shriek as she crosses the room to close the distance between him and her. She grabs him by his neck and lifts him up, he lets out a breath, watching her with wide eyes.

"I will kill you with my own hands, after all, vengeance shall be taken otherwise the Land of Alastair will start to decay." She says. "What do you mean start to decay?" Livie manages to say in between her sobs, I move in to hug her. "Queen Veronica, please let him go. Let me speak to him, if he is found guilty, I will gladly let you take revenge. This could be a setup we need to be sure." I say, choosing my words carefully. She looks at me, her eyes glistening with tears. "Just give me a chance, I will not let you down. I give you my word." I reassure her and she nods slowly after contemplating on my words. "Mother he is the killer of our father. Are you going to let a mortal girl who claims the title of a 'princess' decide what is to be done to him?" Matthew says, putting emphasis on the word "princess."
I have to admit, I still have no idea as to what makes me a princess but that does not concern me yet. Right now, I have to know if Wyatt really is assassin the who murdered the King of Alastair. "I'm afraid but I do have to admit to Matthew's words. Do not let a mortal, worthless girl to control the matters of the throne. She came from dirt and will return to dirt soon enough." Vaughn says, a smirk on his face as he realizes his words had affected me deeply. I shake it off and reply to him as coldly as I can. "This may shock you my dear, but I don't actually give a shit." I grab Wyatt by his arm and start making my way to my chamber, Livie follows behind. To my surprise, the guards do not object or come in my way, I wipe my hands on my bloody skirt as I enter my chambers and push Wyatt on the floor. Livie walks past me and before he can get up, she slaps him across the face. He looks at her as his lower lip quivers, tears evident in his eyes. "Hear me out babe," He begins but Livie holds out a hand at him. "Don't babe me. You don't deserve a second chance. Giving someone another chance is like giving them another bullet because they missed the first one." She says, sinking low into the couch near the bed, her face is covered in her hands. "What was all this about Wyatt? Did you actually just kill the King of Alastair? Do you know how much danger you are in?" I whisper yell at him, trying not to make enough noise for everyone outside to hear. "Yes, I know Sybil. But it wasn't me, I swear. H-he compelled me, or whatever it is called. You know, that thing you do to make people obey you or something?" Wyatt sobs, his face in his hands.

It all makes sense now... I never even thought about using the power of compulsion just because I thought it was unfair to people, they have their own sense of judgement and I certainly won't be the one to take that away from them. I thought folk here felt the same way about the others which is why I or none of my friends were ever compelled until now.

The Missing Prophecy (COMPLETED) (Undergoing Editing)Where stories live. Discover now