Chapter 17

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"Are you stupid?! Were you not wearing the bracelet of Hyacinth Livie made you?" I ask him in the same tone, trying to keep it down. Here in the Land of Alastair, in order to resist compulsion, curse or any other sort of spell, the folk wear Hyacinth either attached to a leather strap as a necklace, bracelet or earrings. Wyatt shakes his head and looks down at the stone-cold floor as Livie walks up to him and sits down.
"Why did you take it off?" She asks him in a heartbroken tone, her eyes are welling up, but I can't do anything to help, after all, this is a private matter between the two.
I stand up and exit the room. The burden is now on my shoulders, I have to rescue my mother, find out why I am now known as a princess since all my life here was nothing but a waste and to get Wyatt out of this mess. The only way I can see that happening is by decapitating Vaughn and ending his tyrannical rule before it even hits a start.

"Vaughn, you don't know her like I do. She wouldn't do this," I hear voices coming from a nearby bed chamber. I sly foot down the luxurious hallway as I slowly make my way to the door of the chambers, my hand grabbing the dagger in the sheath.
"I know brother, but do not forget that I was going to marry her! She threw dirt on the throne by stabbing our father in the heart. Do you know what that means?" I hear another voice yelling back at the other. It's an argument between Matthew and Vaughn. And what does he mean by marriage? Did he think himself capable to be called as a husband? Does he really think that high of himself?
"So, you are going to punish the love of your life, huh? That sure would be a scene not to miss." Matt replies lazily. I can make out his shadow in the bedroom as he paces back and forth, Vaughn is sitting at the edge of the bed, with a stone in his hand. It is a mysterious and sophisticated stone, all the more it is also eerie looking. Something sparks inside me as Vaughn looks at it and smiles to himself before pocketing it. Matt turns to look at him in the eye. "You should go now, mother needs your kind words," Matthew gestures to the door. "I will come after."

I quickly hide behind a wall as Vaughn exits the large room his right hand in his pocket. I have to find that stone, I think.
Before thinking, I step inside the room and Matt is sitting in his chair next to his desk, his back is to me. "You should go before they sentence you to death, go to the Sea of Cordelia and save your mother." Matt speaks slowly, his face is buried in his hands as he does so.
"How did you know it was me?" I ask, my voice sounding more surprising than what I had forced it to be.
"Oh please, you don't think I saw you as you eavesdropped?" He says drunkenly. The words he chose are like daggers piercing through my skin. He turns in his chair to look at me. "Please, my princess, take a seat." He gestures to the chair next to him. I feel my cheeks redden but I try not to show. He looks at me with those same dark eyes that burn with hatred, and I remind myself that he is not an ally but an enemy. I drag the chair farther from him, opposite the desk as I sit down. He looks confused at first, but his expression then hides with a slight smirk. As much as I feel hate towards this guy, I am still conscious of my body and my every move. 

"Why did you defend me?" I ask, slightly nervous but my anger has not calmed down yet. He looks up at me as if I had disturbed his train of thoughts and speaks cleverly. "Isn't it obvious? I did this so I could get something out of you..." He says, moving closer to me in his large chair. I am thankful to God that there is a desk between us. There are no feelings between us both and he has proven it now. He just wants something in return, of course. I was stupid to think he was attracted to me. "Well, what is it, Matthew Sylvester?" I say in an attempt to mock his name. He slightly flinches and begins to answer when Christopher and Eleanor enter the room, practically sprinting up to him. They bring him into a tight hug "Careful now, you don't want to lose your prince now do you?" Matt breathes out and as soon as Chris spots me, he lets go of him. Eleanor follows his gaze and looks at Matt with a frown on her face. "You certainly do have a death wish, do you little miss perfect?" Eleanor speaks to me, her voice is on edge. It seemed as if she had faked crying for Matthew's now dead father. What a pity. Christopher steps closer to me, his eyes never leaving my face as he reaches for me, but I stand just in time to move back. My back hits the wall as I suck in a breath. This moment takes me back to the night at the ball. I shiver as his breath falls on my face. "I hope karma punches you in the face before I do." I say with a knowing tone. I clutch the dagger a little more tightly, cold sweat takes over me, but I look straight ahead in his sharp grey eyes, not being afraid of what has to come. I am not vulnerable like I used to be at school when Adrik and his puppets would use me. I am not mommy's little girl anymore. I thought to myself. "Back off, you man-whore." I spit out, my eyes never leaving his and I hear Matthew shuffle behind him. My anger was now rising like a volcano and there was no stopping. Christopher's jaw tightens. "What did you just call me?" He asks, demanding of a solid answer. 

"Are you deaf? I called you a man-whore. Better?" I tell him, crossing my arms over my chest with the dagger in my hand. He quickly shortens the remaining distance between us and grips my arms in his large hands, putting on enough force to yank the dagger out of my hand. His eyes turn slightly red as he opens his mouth to reveal vampire fangs. "Oh shit!" I squeak as I send his large figure to the floor and with a swift move, I grab the dagger from the floor and distance myself from him. "Don't move," I begin to say. He looks at me with wide eyes, clearly shocked at the force I just put into pushing him down to the ground. They all look at me as I make my way over to Matt's desk and start shuffling through his papers. I grab his trusty pen, sorry, my trusty pen he always used to use whenever I would spot him in school nearly 5 years ago. I shudder when I think about the hell him and his friends put me through in school. 

5 years ago:

I wake up to the sound of Freda going through my closet. "Mmm..." Livie mumbles as she removes the blinds and lets the light of the sun sink in. Wyatt and Livie had decided to sleep in my room after getting scared, tortured and tormented by the phantoms who had just wanted to have some fun. "God bless you Freda, I've been freezing down here all night, but I said nothin' in order to let these bastards sleep peacefully." Wyatt says, looking up at Livie and I tiredly and then going back to his slumber. Livie and I snicker at his words. "Oh, just you wait, I am going to kill the two of you." He says raising his fist. "That threat was so empty it had an echo." Livie says in between her laughs as I chuckle at her words. Freda walks over to my bed and starts pushing me off. "Come now, your bath is ready, and your dress is hanging right over there," she says, shoving me in the bathroom. "All males out." I hear her command to Wyatt followed by another groan. I smile to myself as I start to strip off my clothes and get into the warm bath filled with radiating lilies. Today is going to be another boring day at school. I tell myself as I drown my whole body deeper in the warm and beaming water in the tub. The image of Matthew and his friends creep up into my mind. I suddenly start gagging as I come back to the surface, making attempts to gasp for air. His face disgusts me to an extent that I cannot sleep at night. Yesterday was a nightmare as Eleanor had tried to push me off the balcony when the guys hadn't arrived yet. She had pulled me by my ear. "Perish before I do that to you." She had whispered into my ear. Wyatt had then found me weeping by the balcony, sitting at the edge and had led me back home. Maybe the phantoms were just a lie for them to sleep with me in order to keep me in their check. 

My train of thoughts have been disturbed by Livie banging on the door. "Come out woman! We have some place to be." She practically yelled at me. I scrub off all the dirt and wrap a towel around my body. After spending some time in the bathroom finishing off my business, I come out and let Livie in. Freda leads me to the closet and helps me into a lavish gown. Too much for school, I know, but today we had drama class on a romance novel and the professor had yet to assign us to our groups. I slip on a white gown with tiny pastel flowers imprinted at the ends of the sleeves and the gown, the puffy sleeves make me feel like a fairy living on land. There is a slit at the left side of my skirt and my shoulders are bare, giving me a bold look. Freda situates me on the chair next to the broken vanity mirror and starts playing around with my hair and face. She highlights my cheekbones with sharp white glitter that she had collected from the white roses earlier that day and parts my wavy hair down the middle, making tiny puffs and fastening them at the back. I wear a few rings and the earrings mom had got me for my birthday 2 years ago. It takes me back to the apartment we lived in and all the memories we had shared. I was not the same innocent little girl that I had used to be. I have now become a monster who is scared of coming out of its shell. Livie steps out of the bathroom and starts getting ready as I slide in all of my daggers in their respective places. I go to the closet to wear my long boots when Livie comes out. She is wearing a sage green gown with the slit going up to her thighs, her sleeves are also puffed up giving her a royal look. Her beautifully curly hair is let loose and to the side of her head. Her cheeks have been tinted by rose-gold glitter. "The two of you shall act nicely as the royal family will come to witness this heart-felt show. Do not mess this up, alright? You are preparing for the upcoming ball, so it is mandatory to stay in your ethics." Freda commands and Livie and I nod. She is like a mother to us after we left the mortal world, I cannot replace her for another, not even my workaholic mother. There is a knock at my door just as we were about to leave, and Freda goes to open the door. She reveals Wyatt standing at the door who is dressed as an archer. He bows sophisticatedly at Livie and brings out his hand for her to take. They both look at each other and smile. Before leaving, Wyatt looks in my direction and winks and then we depart. I thank Freda as I make my way down the steps alone. Wyatt and Livie had speeded up their pace, probably to steal a kiss in the corner before returning to school. 

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