Chapter 11

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          I look at the spies and see that they have huge swords attached to their hips and my heart takes over what my brain wants me to do.
          I run towards Kai, tugging on his arm as he stops dancing abruptly.
          "Woah! Who are you?" He hisses as I take him out of the ballroom.
          "Where's Livie and Wyatt?" I whisper. The brunette tugs on his arm but he jolts out of her hold. He's looking at me like he's never seen this side of me before, yeah, me neither.
          "Livie's outside, I don't know about Wyatt..." He says, enraptured. I nod and he seems to come back to his senses.
          "Wait, what's happening? What're you doing here looking like that?" He's looking at me like he's disgusted now, like I'm some sort of threat and it takes a lot of strength in me to not punch him in the nose. 
          "I'm here to save your parents from what could be a blood bath. I need you to take this girl out of here before things get messy and try to find Livie, Wyatt and your friends. I trust you Kai, don't make things worse than it already is." I look at him dead in the eye. If he doesn't listen to me just this once I'm going to be in a shit mood for sure.
          "You think you can control me now? You never could, bombshell but I'm going to listen to you just this once. Not because I have to keep your trust or something as worthless as that but because my parents' lives are on the line." I can't help but smile at him, fighting back the hot tears threatening to spill. Not going to lie but I actually thought he would disappoint me this time as well. We both nod at each other once and then he's heading out of the back doors with the girl on his arm.
          I see Vaughn step inside with a few of his trustworthy spies. 

          "Mother. Father, give up the throne. I am here to challenge you to a one-on-one fight. If I win, I take over the Divine Crown." He yells, sending chills down my spine. I'm hiding in shadows upstairs where I killed Vaughn's guards. After I told Kai to hide, I didn't have much time to warn the royal couple, hence I had to hide up here so I could not be seen so soon.
          The kids with deer horns on their heads stop playing the music as the King raises his hand to dismiss them. They look at the Royal couple with a troubled expressions on their faces and take their harps and flutes outside with them.
          "Son, perhaps you'd want to sit down and talk? We have already discussed this before. Kai will ascend the throne after us." Queen Veronica speaks softly, in an effort to make Vaughn drop his weapons. I didn't know they would want Kai to be the next King. I always thought it would be Vaughn due to his kindness towards people, his great attitude and personality and intelligence.
          No one is in the room except for a few couples, Vaughn's spies and the royal family. I spot Kai at the entrance, staring at the whole drama. I wave at him to leave but he doesn't, instead he waves at someone behind him.
          "Enough! I'm not here to dilly-dally. I challenge you both to fight me. Should I win, I will take over the Divine Crown." Vaughn repeats, growing impatient. The King shifts in his throne, throwing his leg over the other as he takes a long sip from his wineglass. Queen Veronica's round eyes are fixed on her traitor son, her back is straight, and she clutches the wineglass with such force that turns her knuckles white.
          "It's a shame your actions are as bland as your personality, son. I wonder what Sybil would be thinking of you right now if she saw this filth, you've involved yourself in?" King Victor says, taking another long sip from his wineglass.

          "She's Princess Sybil of Cordelia," Vaughn answers with a sneer on his face. My heart drops, I told him not to mention this to anyone. He just announced this to the entire ballroom. I look around the room and find Kai at the entrance. He's glaring at me; his eyes have gone dark as he tries to read my eyes. I'm the first to look away.
          "What are you trying to prove?" The Queen asks. Vaughn is now holding his sword in his right hand; a smirk works its way up on his face as he meets his mother's eyes.
          "Coraline Cruz, King Hector's wife, is still alive, hiding away in the mortal world. I just so happen to know where she is now," I feel like throwing up-
          "Once I hand her over to her husband, he may allow me to have Sybil all to myself as a reward and make me his heir. After I take over your throne, I'll take over Cordelia's throne soon enough. I'll have my Queen by my side as well and there is no one that can stop me now."
          Bile is threatening to burst out of my lungs. The amount of adrenaline flowing inside me is enough to make me dizzy. 
          The King gets up quickly, putting his wineglass down with such force it topples over and breaks into a million pieces. Queen Veronica stands with him, placing her delicate hand on his arm to calm him down.
          "Are you threatening me son? DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHO YOU'RE UP AGAINST-" King Victor is cut off by Queen Veronica's coughs. She's placed her hand on her chest and is gasping for air. Her eyes have welled up. Something's wrong, oh god something's terribly wrong. Her coughs are cut off by Vaughn's psychotic laughter. Once he actually shuts up, he looks at his parents with a small smile tugging at his lips.
          "Did it sound like a compliment, father?" God, I wish I could just walk over there and throw an uppercut to his ugly face.

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