"I'm doing alright Ric, I swear. Don't get me wrong, I've still got to get even on Stefan, but I like keeping him paranoid" I commented causing Damon and Ric to laugh at me, "Anyway I have to go. I need to check in on Sheila and Bonnie" I kissed Damon on the cheek and waved bye to Ric. Heading out the grill I jumped into my car before quickly calling Bonnie.

"Hey Bon" I greeted when I heard her voice through the phone.

"Hey Jamie, what's up?"

"Do you and Grams fancy a visitor?" I asked starting the car.

"As long as it's only you. I'll see you soon".

"Yeah it's only me Bon, I'll see you soon" I responded, hanging up the phone I set off on my journey to Sheila's house. I was singing along to the radio just in a world of my own, I hadn't even realised that I had pulled up to Sheila's house. Sighing I grabbed my bag and climbed out the car. I raised my hand to knock on the door before the door was flung open.

"Jamie, it's good to see you again" Sheila greeted, pulling me into a hug.

"It's good to see you too Grams" I responded, walking into the house behind her.

"Jamie!" Bonnie called from the kitchen and ran forward engulfing me in a hug. Just then Bonnies phone rang, and she looked over at it before sighing.

"What's wrong Bon?" I asked gently pulling the smaller girl down onto the sofa beside me.

"Elena keeps calling. I'm not talking to her at the moment." Bonnie said sadly.

"Why what's happening?" I asked gently taking Bonnies hands into my own.

"After you left last night she said some pretty horrible things about you. I don't like this person she has become since meeting Stefan, and I told her as much and she blew up at me for defending you" Bonnie explained as a tear fell down her face.

"You listen to me Bonnie Bennett, I am honoured that you defended me, I am. You were my first friend here apart from Damon and you are such an amazing friend. Elena is your best friend, you two will make up eventually, but let her sweat for a bit" I responded making Bonnie smile.

"Why does she hate you so much?" Bonnie asked causing me to shrug.

"I have no idea, she just does. I think it has something to do with Damon being my soulmate, she seems to want to have both of their attention all the time and now I'm in the picture Damon doesn't really care for her anymore. Anyway how is Caroline?" I stated before asking about Caroline, I knew the subject change would work flawlessly.

"She's doing great, she's actually been asking about you, do you mind if I pass your number along to her?" Bonnie asked.

"I don't mind at all; Caroline seems like a lovely girl and a good friend" I said with a grin. I'm glad I've found a few friends in the middle of all the chaos that seems to surround Mystic Falls. "How have you been Grams? I know that spell took a lot" I asked turning to face the older woman.

"I'm doing fine baby. Me and Bonnie have been laying low for a while to recuperate. What about you, how are you feeling?" Sheila asked with a knowing look in her eye. She was secretly asking about how I feel seeing my mum again.

"I'm doing alright. Seeing mum again was hard but I know she is always with me, wherever I go" I said with a soft smile, clutching my necklace in my hand.

"Do your ancestors help you with all spells or just big ones like that?" Bonnie asked coming back with the tea she had made.

"Just ones that take an enormous amount of power. When a witch tries to use to much power on her own it can kill them" I commented looking down at my cup, memories of my mum running through my mind.

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