Chapter 61 Drunk Words Are Sober Thoughts

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The halls were unusually quiet as I wandered with my head held high, eyes dancing around the dark corners where someone could be lurking, knife in hand waiting for their target to pass by, my mind always assumed that target would be me.

Passing the training room, only to not hear the sounds of blades colliding, panting and grunting, and the constant thump of fists connecting with punching bags. The absence of this wouldn't have been unusual had it been early morning, but rather it was quite early at night.

I almost laughed upon not hearing anyone training, we had a sweet victory at a guild battle today. We lost no more than 20 and killed almost everyone from the opposing guild there. Not to mention that when the military arrived, no one got caught. 

It was one of the cleanest victories I believe we have ever achieved in the history of the guild, and Shane was all too happy about it.

I couldn't care less for the win, that wasn't what I was happy about. They didn't die. I thought, a smile making its way onto my face, "They didn't die."

Seeing their smiling faces was a gift I have continuously been given after every bloody and gruesome battle we've ever fought together. That was enough to put a smile on my face and make me giddy at the thought that they once again proved their strength and survived.

Seeing no one in the training room only meant that everyone was celebrating and I had nothing against it. I was only annoyed at the fact I couldn't join them in the mess hall sooner.

Not bothering to knock, I twisted the handle of the door and moved inside, "What did you want, old man?" I inquired as I lifted my gaze from the floor. My blank expression changed into disgust and horror as I saw the scene before me. "Get a fucking room!" I shouted at Shane and the woman he was with.

Shane didn't seem fazed as he heard my voice, however, the woman lying across his desk seemed rather mortified. "This is a room, Echo," Shane spoke, his voice calm as he removed himself from the lady below him and moved behind his desk.

I eyed him as he stood behind the desk and grabbed a shirt from somewhere behind it just as the woman quickly moved to follow suit, however, she only grabbed her clothes and fleed the scene using one of the passages behind a large tapestry depicting a woman who was named Ymir.

Shane seemed to have no embarrassment as he stood behind his desk, putting on his clothes in front of a 15-year-old girl who would rather take a knife to the stomach than see that sight again.

"Get a room that locks, then," I said, putting a hand in front of my mouth as I stepped further into the room, just as I was about to sit in the red chair I always sat in, I paused and said, "Was the desk the only thing that needs to be washed in holy water?"

Shane looked up at me with an amused expression, "Well, one of the chairs as well, but I forgot which. I suppose you'll just have to guess."

I shot Shane a glare before eyeing each one and opting for the one I usually sat in, if Shane did do it in this one, knowing it was the one I sit in, he was going to be in for it. "Did I guess right?" I inquired, having folded my arms over my chest and leaning back into the chair, getting comfortable.

Shane nodded, rather annoyed that I had been correct before taking his seat in his chair, not bothering to do up the buttons of his shirt as he fished a waistcoat from beneath the desk and laid it on the dark wood, where he had just violated me with the sight I walked in on.

"You do realise what you just saw is from no fault but your own." Shane started as he eyed me, the amusement he found in the situation still not gone. "You need to learn to knock."

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