Chapter 42 Preperation

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"What's up with you?" Kanna asked, eyeing me carefully as I sat down at the table with her, I placed a plate of food that looked none too pleasing to me on the table in front of me, although it was better than what I was fed as a cadet. 

"Nothing." I insisted as I sat down opposite her, picking up my fork and beginning to pick my way through the food that was edible. Cook wasn't feeling well, so here I was, eating some slope another guild member had served up. Who the fuck let them in the kitchen? This looks worse than pig food.

"Lier, lier, pants on fire!" Kanna sings before a yawn escaped from her mouth, she put her hand over her mouth before she spoke again, "What time did you get up? Noah isn't here yet."

I shrugged, "Around 5:30 I left his room." It was all a mumbled mess as I looked down, not meeting her gaze.

"Oh!" She sings, smiling at me as she shifted her hair from her face. I knew what had popped into her mind and I didn't like it. "Tell me more! Did you two do it--"

"No," I said in a hurry, shaking my head as she looked at me with interest. "I didn't want to go that far--"

"Why?" Kanna interrupted, her eyebrows creased, "When you were with Alec you two nearly slept the whole day in each other's arms." 

Her face was a mixture of emotions all of which were confused and slightly interested wondering what caught ahold of her emotionless murderer who would kiss and fuck around with almost anyone. Whether I was drunk, on a mission, on a dare or if I just felt like it. I knew it wasn't like me to not do something like that, not even what I had told her about Levi yesterday.

"He's not Alec," I muttered a groan escaped my mouth as I eyed her carefully, knowing full well what I was trying to avoid.

"Well duh. If he was you two would probably already have a kid and be a happy murderous family." Kanna teases, a small smile gracing her face. A joke people took all too seriously.

I shake my head with a slight smile. "I don't... see him that way," I admitted, choosing my words carefully.

"You didn't see that blonde guy that way a little while ago yet you were going at him." Kanna laughed as I rolled my eyes. Slightly surprised my face no longer went scarlet at the mention of that.

"I'm gonna break it off with Noah." I looked away from her, my head turning to look around the mess hall. It doesn't feel right...

Kanna looked at me in confusion before a smirk found its way to her lips, "What? Is that short ass ruling your mind?" She asked. Levi coming into my mind and no doubt hers.

I scoffed, shaking the thought firmly from my head, discarding him as I should have done long ago. "No. Like a said, he's a short ass prick who deserves to die."

"You just want these feelings to die." Kanna justifies for me, and rightly so.

I wave my hand with a slight scowl, "Tomato, tomato. Feelings, him, i-it's the same thing."

"Whatever, what did you two even do?" She asked, leaning forwards and nicking a piece of bread from my plate. I scowl at her but she only winks at me, not caring for the glare I shot her way, she wasn't scared of me not even knowing half of what I've done or who I've killed.

"We had like 3 drinks, went back to his room, kissed. He had me up against the wall. He couldn't even figure out to undo my clothes." I rolled my eyes, giving her a brief description of the events of what happened the night before. "When that happened I was slightly relieved and took the opportunity to just go to bed, kissing was the extent of it. In the morning I fell out of the bed and left."

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