Chapter 51 Sleep Deprived

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Once we reached HQ, I was allowed a well-needed shower. The thought of having the warm water sliding over my skin was welcome, and dare I say, I was looking forwards to it.

Although it wasn't what I thought it was going to be, it wasn't pleasant and quiet. No, I was surrounded by cadets and it pissed me off.

It took me back to the days I spent as a cadet when people stared at me for the scars that littered my body when questions would arise, and people wondered what happened for me to get so battered and have that many scars. They wondered if I was ever abused.

They were idiots.

It didn't help now that the bruises and cuts from nearly being killed days prior were still reasonably new and stood out like a sore thumb.

I gritted my teeth as I glared at yet another person staring at me. 

It pissed me off. If you were staring at my body try and fucking hide it better, or talk to me while looking at me. Maybe then I could know your fucking intentions.

"Stop fucking staring at me assholes!" I shout at the cadets as I spun around, my wet hair whirled around me before sticking to my face. "I know what I fucking look like, you don't need to."

The cadets around me startled back as they stared at me. "S-Sorry." A few timid ones spluttered as they averted their eyes. Some glared right back at me, not appreciating that 'outburst'. What wasn't very helpful was that Mikasa and Sasha were there too.

"Shut up, Naomi." Mikasa rolled her eyes as she looked at me with cold eyes. I saw Sasha physically gulp and take a step back as Mikasa and I glared at each other. If looks could kill we both would have been on the ground, the life seeping out of us.

"I get stared at enough, Mikasa." I hissed placing my hands on my hips, "I don't need some lowly cadets looking at what many want."

"Stop flattering yourself by telling yourself that. When they see a drunk ass woman, of course, those paedophile men would want a taste." She hissed right back, folding her arms across her bare chest.

A laugh escaped my lips as they curved into a smirk, "They're dead before they can get me under the covers, I can assure you that. The only guy who has ever gotten me that far was Alec, but then again...." I purse my lips with a grin, "You wouldn't know what that's like. So why should I bother explaining it?"

"And look how that turned out." Mikasa's smirk grew, "You're still heartbroken over a guy who left you years ago, how pitying. Though he had the right idea to get away from you."

"Yet, he came crawling back, pleading with watery eyes. They always do. You wouldn't believe the number of people that come crawling back to me. Wanting favours, someone dead, something stolen, someone in jail... Or just a kiss, one hit... I doubt even Jeager would consider asking you for that."

I grinned as Mikasa stalked towards me her fists clenched in white balls. Glaring daggers into my eyes, with each footstep closer the desperate look Sasha held grew.

A small giggle arose in my throat as I leaned closer to her as she stopped in front of me, pursing my lips. "You know, Mk, you would fit in so well with the guild. Except for your goody-two-shoes attitude. Do-gooders make no life in those walls, they all end up dead."

"And killers like you end up in a noose." She retorted.

"Better a noose so I have a chance of escape. In a hand of a Titan, there is no hope."

"Hey! Guys! Let's break this up!" Sahsa spoke, waving her hands as she moved closer to Mikasa and me. Her expression was coated in nerves and her hands shook. "Let's move on with our showers, please!"

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