Chapter 27 The Rightful Heir

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I had no idea how I found myself in the middle of the woods. Hiding amongst the trees waiting for the wagon to arrive.

"Why is this taking so long?" I complain to myself, "I'm cramping up."

"Shut up, brat," Levi tells me off somewhere to my left.

"It's like they're gonna hear me, Captain." I roll my eyes, my hands placed firmly on a gun which I had pointed to the ground. "They don't have insane hearing like you do."

"Tch." That was all I heard as a reply. Before my eyes trained on a horse trotting in front of the wagon, as well as one trailing behind it.

We stood there silent until the wagon pulled to a stop. We then moved from our hiding places guns raised, threatening the wagon driver, and the two on horseback.

They looked down at us in fear, their hands raised in the air. I grabbed the reins of the horse and pushed the Mil officer off, Connie who was next to me didn't utter a letter in protest at how rough I was with him before he tied his hands. 

"Are we here?" A military officer asks as he poked his head out of the wagon.

He stopped dead when he saw down the gun barrel that was pointed at his head. He moved to turn back but fell unconscious as his face was connected with the butt of a gun held by Levi.

"Reeves you damn--" The second Mil officer that rode in the wagon suffered the same fate, although by the other Ackerman in our group.

"Sorry about this, sirs." Reeves spoke to their unconscious bodies.

None of us uttered a word as we dragged the bodies away, moving them into the cabin.

It was the perfect place as it had a few jail cells as well as a stone room with a heavy metal door in the basement. Perfect place for getting information. 


"I really wanna go down there and punch the shit out of them," I speak quietly to the table. They were all grim-faced, the torturing had yet to start, although I knew Levi was preparing for it. I saw him go down to the basement with gloves. 

What a germaphobe. I thought. 

"Hey, Naomi?" Armin asks.


"You looked so calm when you threw her body off the wagon..." Armin trailed off, a sick look passed over his face.

"Huh?" I ask, my gaze trained on him. I thought about it for a second. "I wasn't calm. Who could ever be calm in a situation like that?" I ask, "I just know how to hide how nervous or uncomfortable I am, how shaken I can get? I can hide it."


"Who knows?" I mutter looking away, "Could be the fact that I've been through hurt and pain before?" What is with all these half-lies I keep coming up with? 


"Mhm..." The conversation dies down as we stare at our hands.

Hanji soon bursts in, "Where's Levi?" She asks in a rush, her eyes skimming over each of us, looking over our grim faces and sour expressions.  

"Down there already." I mutter nodding to the door, "Do me a favour and make him feel as much pain as possible for me? All of them."

Hanji laughs slightly, "Guess we all lose human compassion with some things."

I shrug my shoulders while my cold eyes bore into her, "You might wanna get going, Hanji."

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