Chapter 29 On the Right Track

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By nightfall, we were in a completely different location.

The interior policeman that Levi dragged all the way here was now up against a tree. Levi was looming over him, the man's face was bloody from already suffering so many hits.

Sahsa stood with her bow drawn, Connie, Armin and Jean held guns. Mikasa had her hands resting on her blades. They were all standing by trees watching Levi silently. 

I stood a foot or two away from the tree the man was up against. Watching him with cold eyes. My fingers lingered across my belt, feeling every slot where my blades lay. I needed to order them again, such as the blunted one from the other day. 

I might as well do it now. I thought skimming my eyes over the man. He didn't seem like a threat and definitely not like that. 

"That's enough..." The man spoke hoarsely it was barely a whisper. It was only followed by another kick to the face by Levi. He didn't seem to care for the man's pleas. Honestly neither did I. 

I stood my fingers tracing over the hilts of the knives stacked in my belt. Each hilt was different, I carved a symbol into each one, knowing exactly how long they were, and exactly what metal they were made form, where they came from. I knew everything from the mark I carved into the hilt.

I moved my fingers along the tip of the hilts figuring out which blade was which and where they should go before removing them and slotting them into another place, I didn't really need to look at the blades, only a few where I knew I removed the blade in the last couple of days, looking for any damage or bluntness.

The man gave me a side glance when he saw metal glinting from the dim moonlight. The way his eyes widened in fear as he was struck in the face again made my eyes light up in amusement. 

The man was breathing heavily when Levi knelt down to his level before repeating his question, "Where are Eren and Krista?"

The man chuckled, "Look how bold you are." He taunted, "You just defeated a checkpoint full of recruits who barely knew which end of the blade was up." I gazed at the man as he said this, a small pocket knife in my hand, the blade gleaming while I cleaned it with a cloth. Slotting it back in place before he was able to utter another word. "You think beating them makes you some sort of hero?"

"Pardon our insolent behaviour," Levi said standing up. When he finished his sentence he promptly stuck his boot in the man's mouth. "But we're no match for the insolence of your mouth." Levi pushed his boot in further, making that man back up against the tree. "I recommend you start talking while you're still able to use it." He said before repeating the question, "Where are Eren and Krista?" 

When Levi removed his boot from his mouth the man started gasping for breath. Swallowing hard as his hands began to rest at his side. He coughed and spluttered for a few seconds before speaking, "You're wasting your time! You'll spend the rest of your lives eating mud and shit, chasing your tails inside the walls!"

I nearly laughed at this comment. Like I was going to be eating shit and mud, I'd be eating like a queen, hands dripping with blood while I smiled and pretended like I was fone. Drinking my woes away with the guild. Hopefully getting free drinks from Ollie.

"By failing to turn yourselves in, you're sentencing your captured allies to death!" He yelled at us, I didn't even care for that shit. Even if I was captured the guild will hear of it and get me out before I had a chance to kill or bribe my way out of jail. "Starting with the most guilty of them all, Erwin Smith!"

This seemed to piss Levi off. As soon as the words left his mouth Levi grabbed his arm and twisted the man around so his face was pressed against the base of the tree before twisting his hand painfully. Enough that I could hear the snap of bones breaking. The man yelled out in pain. Tears stung his eyes as he yelled into the tree.

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