Chapter 21 Following Up

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"Oi, Aiden?" An unfamiliar voice calls my brother. 

"Yes, Captain?" He answered. 

"Whose the kid that's clinging onto you?"

"My sister," He responded. "And she's not a kid."

"How so?"

"She's one of us, brother of blood."

Brother of Blood? The thought skimmed through my mind. Who is it? I don't recognise his voice. Through sleep drunken state all I could do was listen to the steady sound of hoof beats and the low voices of Aiden and the one he called 'captain.' Slowly waking myself up enough to hopefully join the conversation.

"A guild sister?" 

Aiden shifted, assuming he shook his head. "No, remember, she's a brother. We do not use 'sister.'" Aiden corrected. 

"Sorry." The other apologised. "What does she do? I didn't think there was any use to join the scouts." 

"She's on a mission, normally, she doesn't do this kind. Assassinations are her speciality."

"What do they call her?" He pried.

"None of your goddamn business," I speak up, forcing my eyes open. My gaze trained on the guy, he wore a Military uniform, obviously a higher rank than Aiden, which is why he called him Captain. But in the guild, I have no doubt he took orders from Aiden.

I watched him go red. "Listen, kid," He hissed. "Watch your mouth."

"Watch your mouth, rookie," I reply. "I'm 19, you fuckwit. You don't even know where I stand in the hierarchy. Which is no doubt above you." I scoff. "I'm above everyone."

"Where do you stand?" He asked, eyes glittering with annoyance. 

I smile psychotically at him. "Last time I checked, 3 years ago, I was on top." I watched his face pale slightly, wondering who it could be that he had just pissed off. "If I'm not, I'm gonna have a word with that Old Man."

"Who are you?" He asked.

"RE." I state, "Figure it out."

I watched his face pale further, looking like a ghost in the silvery moonlight. 

I smirk at him. 

"Sorry..." He paused not knowing how to address me. 

I roll my eyes. "Just leave me be." I wave my hand. "You interrupted my sleep." 

He gave one last look at Aiden and me before moving back off to the rest of the Mil. 

"Really know how to get people to leave you alone." Aiden muses while I settle my head back onto his back. 

"Duh. No one wants to mess with me after they learn my name. After years of work utter two words and they're scared shitless."

"Mhm." He hums, "Still sleepy?"

"I didn't insult him, a clear sign I am not awake."

"So, yes." He smiles.

"How long has he been with us?"

"About a year, still oblivious to... well, everything." 

"No shit. How many have joined us?"

"About 250, lost over 150 in the past 3 years."

"We're still growing then."

He nodded. "We have about 100 across the Mil. Although we have a tone of people who think you are just a folk tale. That you're just a story to scare them. But the new assassins adore you, they're like a fan club. Sharing Legends and shit about you when they're not on missions."

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