Chapter 12 K.A?

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From that day we began training. 

Only, not physical training. 

We sat in a room all the time, learning and memorising the long-range scouting formation Erwin had devised.

I hated every ounce of it. 

I was sitting in the back, half asleep with Ymir and Krista next to me. 

"New recruits will be here." Our squad leader, what was his name? Ness? Pointed to the board. "You'll be between the cart guard team and the recon support team. Your job will be to ride alongside the spare horses and relay messages."

I didn't bother noting it down and was going to convince Krista to let me use her notes if I forgot anything, which wasn't likely. My memory may be shit but I can remember maps, layouts and their details quite easily after being told or shown once. The perks of being raised a killer. 

I scanned the board to see if I could locate the 'Special operations squad' or Levi's squad but it wasn't marked on the map no matter how much I strained my eyes. 

Scanning over the formation I narrowed it down to a few places. One, in particular, stood out to me. The centre of the last ranks. It was the best-protected position among the ranks making it the perfect place to stick Eren out of harm's way.

Why though? I wonder, Why place him at the back instead of using his Titan power to our advantage?

If I was honest I didn't quite understand why I thought the squad was placed there but who knows? Erwin seemed a little off his nuts if I was quite frank. 


The sun was setting and we were following a group of people off somewhere. I didn't know. I wasn't listening when I should've been and was now in the dark. But I had too much pride to ask.


"What, Krista?"

"That's Eren! Let's go say hi!" She then pulled me and Ymir along with her to surround Eren.

"What? Everyone's here?" Eren asks astounded. "But if you're here, then... That doesn't mean you all joined the Survey Corps, does it?" 

"Is there any other reason we'd be here?" Connie shrugged.

"So only, Jean, Annie and Marco joined the Military Police?"

Jean walked up behind Eren who turned at the sound of the footsteps.

"No way... not you too!" 

"Marco's dead," Jean states blankly. 

"What was that?" His face was painted with shock, "Did you say Marco's dead?" 

"Seems not everyone gets a dramatic death. I don't even know how he died. He died without anyone knowing, or anyone seeing."

"Marco..." Eren murmured still in shock. 

"Oi, new kids, get over here!" Ness calls us.

I don't bother saying anything and just walked off to where he was standing holding our capes.

"Your uniforms are here!" He called.

I grabbed one of the folded capes and held it in my hand. The Wings of Freedom were sown onto the back. 

I ran my fingers along the forest-green fabric. I wore a crest symbolizing death to now one representing Freedom and hope. I scowled at it. Fuck this. My last one was cooler and one I could wear with pride. If the rest of the guild saw me in this I would be laughed at until someone's blood was spilt. Then they'll remember who I am.

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