Chapter 37 The Cause

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[Mikasa POV]

"This better work." I hissed, glaring at the boy next to me, his brunette waves fell over his eyes as we walked towards Levi's office.

"It should," He said, nodding.

Armin nodded too, "We have proof, those documents should be enough to convince him."

"If he doesn't I'm going to kick his ass to next week." I hiss.

"Don't threaten him," Armin said, he somehow looked calm about this. 

How could someone look or be calm when we've been living, eating, and drinking with Reapers Echo? At least she doesn't sleep like a log as Bertolt and Reiner did. I thought. Before I shook my head, No, don't go soft on her, she's a murderer. No better than they are. 

We stopped in front of Levi's office door. Armin knocked and his voice came through the wood, "Name and business." His tone was cold. 

"It's Armin and Mikasa, we've brought someone we need you to speak to." He said.

"Come in." They then entered his office. Levi sat at his desk, fingers laced. "Whose that?"

"My name is Xavier." Xavier introduced. "I've brought compelling evidence to convince you who Naomi really is."

Levi's eyes widened, "If you mean she's from the underground and she's only here because of her father? Forget it I know. Erwin knows, Historia knows." He said.  

"Not the whole story, Captain," Armin said and I nodded.

"She's a liar. A faker, a killer." I listed.

"She said she had killed 4 people. You and Eren have killed 3." Levi said.

"She's killed hundreds. Hit the hundred mark at 14." Xavier said while handing him the stack of papers he brought. "Reports, descriptions of Reaper Echo's kills, tortures, information gatherings, anything she's done. There's a report of at least one of each there."

"I know what the assassin has done," Levi spoke carefully.

"Read the last paper," Xavier said.

We waited in silence while Levi's eyes skimmed over the official paper of Naomi Blackthorn. Her kills. And it was updated recently, it always is updated every Saturday. At least that's what Xavier told us. "What is this?" Levi asked.

"That is the profile I was able to get from the guild she's in. After years, that is all the information and evidence I have of her." He said, "Naomi Blackthorn is Reapers Echo. I watched her kill my pleading parents and my brother. I've read all the reports I could find of all her kills. All the reports on her training. Her father specifically trained her, although I found no mention of her brother being through the same, nothing on her mother either."

Levi looked up at us, he looked to be breaking. I had no idea why, "If you're wrong about this, you can go to jail."

"I am aware. If this doesn't go as planned I will end up as her next target, exactly like you, only I'd end up dead by the time the mission is completed."


[Naomi POV]

I took a deep breath, I'd showered, brushed my teeth, and changed into my gear. I should no longer be smelling like alcohol. Weapons belt strapped around my waist as it should be. The only issue was the hangover I was probably not going to be able to shake. Although I doubt that'd be an issue, I've killed while hungover, I've fought while drunk. I'd be fine.


I knocked on the door once before stepping inside. I never wait for an answer, probably how he didn't need to look up to know it was me, "What do you need now, Naomi?" Levi asks before looking away from the papers in his hand.

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