Chapter 20 Recovery Mission Part 2

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"Success then, Sis?" Aiden grins at me. 

"Don't go celebrating too early, Aid." I begin, sharing the grin. "'Back in my day,'" I deepen my voice. "'Whenever we would go out and have a good night and say it before getting to the safety of our beds, the cops will show up.'" I do an impression of my dad. "'And let's just say, they weren't happy when they saw the blood.'"

Aiden got visibly annoyed and groaned. "You have no clue how long I had to deal with Dad's glory day stories. It was so bad." 

I laughed at him. "When we get back I can tell you all about my glory days." I joke. "Plus I need to ask you about Bigfoot."

"Bigfoot? What about-" He was cut off by shrieks. 

"Huh?" We wonder gazing around and to see people looking at the sky. We follow suit and look up to see a body flying across the darkening sky. Lo and behold it was not of human origin, it was a titan. 

It hit the ground just in front of us, sending a ripple through the earth. My horse reared but I managed to stay on. 

"Holy fuck." I mutter. "Aid!?" I call.

"Present." I heard his reply to the left of me, I could barely see anything due to the amount of dust and dirt that was disrupted and flung into the sky.

"Damn that Reiner." I heard Jean's voice out of the dust cloud somewhere. "He's tossing titans like a madman!" 

At that I watched as another soared through the air, landing not far off where the first landed. 

Shockwaves rippled through the surface once again. 

"Naomi!?" Aiden calls. 

"Over here!" I shout back, meeting up with him in the middle like a game of Marco Polo.

"Stay together." He ordered me.

"Like I'm gonna go rogue right now," I mutter. "I still have a job to finish."

"I heard about that." He responded eyes darting around the space we galloped through, trying to find a space where we could see 10 feet in all directions around us. 

"Mhm. I'll tell you more about it later," I inform him. "But right now, let's focus on not dying, shall we?"

"I don't know. Death always intrigued me."

"Same here, brother. Why do you think I chose this profession?" 

"Y'know, expectations." 

I nod in agreement. "Sometimes it may look like that. But honestly, once you taste it, it's hard to let go of." 

"That is why I never got into it," Aiden murmured. "I didn't want to be an addict."

"I feel like that was a personal attack," I mutter. Is it true that I'm addicted to it? I question myself. I have been leaning towards more... violent solutions to things at the moment.  

"Naomi!?" Aiden calls me from my thoughts.

"What?" I ask.

"Watch out!" He screamed.

I glanced up and saw a titan looming over me. "Shit," I murmur before leaping off my galloping horse. It managed to swerve around the titan while I hit the ground. Managing to roll into a position where I should be able to get up from, mostly unscathed. 

"Ow!" I complain rolling to my feet. My gear didn't come off of my waist when I hit the ground like it was supposed to. 

"Nao? You alright?" Aiden pulls Balius up to me.

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