Chapter 18 Some luck

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"Do you have to go?" I murmur against his neck.

I heard a laugh escape his lips. "Yes, I do, Nao."


"Because I do."

I furrow my eyebrows, I pull away from his just enough to look into his pale green eyes, much like Mother's. "Why?" I ask again.

"So, when you get snapped and need busting out of jail, I can help you." 

"I don't get caught."

"But what if you do? Or Kanna, or Kallum." He smirks, "Or that Alec boy that you're oh so hung up on."

"Oi!" I shout at him, a scarlet blush appearing on my face. 

"Is my sweet emotionless murderer of a sister getting flustered?" He teases.

"I prefer, 'emotionless assassin of a sister.'"

"Mhm." He grins at me.

I grin back at him before it slowly fades into a frown. "Do you have to go?"

His smile drops, "Yes, I do. You know that, firecracker." 

Firecracker: A name he has become quite insistent on calling me after one SMALL incident with firecrackers. I only hope that he doesn't end up calling me cracker. 

I sigh deeply and pull him in for another hug. "Die and I will personally see to it that we get a necromancer so that they can bring you back so I can kill you."

"I'll miss you too." His smile returns to his face, making him look like the guy that girls were so hung up on. "Here," He hands me something wrapped in brown paper "this is meant for your birthday so don't open it now-"

"Too late!" I grin after I had just shredded the brown paper.

"What will they do with you after I'm gone?" He looks down at me. Shaking his head disapprovingly all the while grinning down at his little sister.

"Oh, quiet, Aiden. You love me." 

He shakes his head, "I can't even try to deny it?"


"Okay, Minnie me, might as well open it." 

I roll my eyes at him, it was true. We looked nearly identical for being about 2 years apart. Same fair brunette hair and stature, although the height difference between us wasn't that big of a distance, an inch or 2 at most. One of the only things that separated us was his pale green eyes against my sea-blue ones. 

"Okay, brother who is a loveable asshole, I was going to whether you said I could or not." I grin up at my older brother for the last time in over 6 years.


"Naomi! Naomi? Are you okay?" A voice that seemed familiar called me. I couldn't place my finger on who it was though. "Naomi, please be alright."

I moaned trying to get the words out, 'Who are you?' or 'what happened?' But I couldn't utter a letter. 

I took a deep breath, moving my fingertips and working my way up, slowly gaining movement in my body. I felt so hot, my skin felt tender against the blades of grass below me. 

"Hey! She's over here!" The voice called out again, although not to me.

"How badly is she injured-" Another voice enters hearing range. They didn't finish their sentence, cutting themselves off by sucking in a deep breath. "Water! Get water!"

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