Chapter 24 Explanations

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"Ah fuck." I mutter while a wave of nausea swept over me. "What the shit happened?"

"Throw up on my floor and I will see to it that you are hung." The voice was so loud like someone was screaming into my ear.

My ears started ringing at that point. "Fuck, not too loud." I groan. Everything hurt, especially the side of my face... What the fuck did I do?

"Naomi? How are you feeling!?" 

"Shut up. My ears are going to explode." I clenched my eyes shut, trying so desperately to fall asleep again. 

After a few moments, I give up and reluctantly begin to open my eyes. 

"Fuck- bad move." I hiss as bright light blinded me. 

"You've been doing that a lot recently." The first voice muses. 

I bit down on my lip, forcing myself to stay silent.

"You are doing a better job at staying quiet than last night." His voice said again. "You wouldn't stop yammering."

"Ugh."I groan. I wanted to sit up but if I did, I'll probably throw up.

"Levi, be quiet." Someone scolded him.


"Naomi, how are you feeling?"

"Hanji?" I asked, unsure as to who it was.

"Yes, I am here along with Levi. We are in his office."

"Ugh." I groan again.

"Your eyes are open, can you not see us?" Levi asked. 

"Thank you, but I feel like if I move I'm gonna vomit, my head is throbbing and my throat feels like sandpaper," I state. 

"Oh..." Hanji sighs.

"Hm..." I muse, "Honestly, it can be worse." 

"Can be?" Hanji asked. 

"Yup. I could have no recollection of last night at all... but... I remember little bits of it..."

"Little bits?" Levi asked unamused. 

"It's better than nothing." I shake my head slowly. Fuck! I curse myself. Do I remember what Kenny told me? I ask myself reaching back into my memories, filtering through them, causing my head to throb even more but at least I found what I was looking for. Good... I remember.

"What were you doing last night?" Hanji asked.

"Going out with some friends." I pause, remembering that I was meant to be seeing a sick friend. "We left after seeing my sick friend, they told us to go out and have some fun without them, said they'd prefer that than having us being stuck inside all day." 

"How are they? Your sick friend?" 

"They're alright... I think." I mutter, and slowly the nauseous feeling subsides. 

"You think?" Levi asks. 

"Yes," I state, slowly sitting up despite the throbbing pain in my head telling me to go back to sleep, which is what I would've normally done. "As you can see, I am in no state of digging into my memories. As far as I can remember they're better than they were."

"Tch." I watched as he started pacing the room, slowly wearing out the floor. 

His office was something to marvel at, at least the cleanliness of it. Barely a speck of dust could be seen, nothing seemed out of place. Books lined the selves, colour coordinated it seemed. I lay across a couch while Hanji was seated opposite me on a chair, a small wooden coffee table separating us. 

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