Chapter 2 First Days

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I left the Mess hall shaking slightly from shock. Memories flood my head. In a daze, I grip the rails lining the mess hall's deck. My eyes fixated on my shoes, my breathing becoming ragged and shallow.

I take a deep breath, tilting my head back, eyes looking up at the starry sky. Pain flows through them. Images fill my head. Scenes I would much rather forget.

Blood. Pain. Death.


Steal blades whipping out Infront of me. Becoming extensions of my body. Tainted with blood. Eyes wandered the battlefield gazing upon him. His eyes filled with excitement. His Blue irises meet my green ones. Smiles play across our lips as we look across at each other. A body blocks my view. Soon cut down by the cold steal of his blade. His smile was infectious.

"You new here?" He asks, "I haven't seen you before."

I shrug, dodging a flying fist. "Not particularly, if you're talking about these fights. But to the guild, I guess. First time actually interacting with them, normally stay in the shadows."

A laugh escapes his lips. Seeming to echo through the battlefield. Becoming the only thing I could hear despite the noise of the battle. My cheeks burn red as my heart skips a beat.

Fuck, who is this guy? The thought echoed through my head. Before we raised our blades and engrossed ourselves in the fight once more. Bodies and blades moved in sync, cutting down our enemies till we were the only ones standing.

The sweet sound of cheers of victory surrounded us. While we were too absorbed in how close our bodies were, our breathing soft and ragged. Lost in each other's eyes, sinking deeper into the depths of our own world.


I bite down on my lip. Jolting myself out of the, now, painfilled memory. I close my eyes. With every breath, his figure becomes clearer in my head. Untidy dark locks soft to the touch. Rough calloused hands. Strong muscular arms, His infectious smile. The blue of his eyes that I had caught losing myself in more often than not. His soft lips... How good they felt against mine...



We met two years ago and it still haunts me.

A voice shakes me out of my thoughts. "U-um... Excuse me?"

I glance down noticing a girl, with blonde hair and wide blue eyes. What's with all the blue eyes? Honestly.

"Yeah?" I say turning my body to face her. Putting up a wall blocking my emotions, My face becomes a blank slate.

"Naomi, Right?"


"I'm Krista. I was wondering if you could help me?" Says the girl, Krista, timidly.

"Hmm, sure. I have nothing better to do." Plus I needed a distraction.

Krista seemed surprised before handing me a loaf of bread. "Please come with me then."

We waited, I was leaning on a wall while Krista choose to stand. Making small talk but not bothering to go into our pasts. Which I was quite happy about. I didn't want to come across as too snarky or mean towards this timid girl if I had to shoot her down if she asked about my past. I didn't want to make her more scared of me than she already was. As she should be though, being Reapers Echo and all.

"So...?" She asks.

"Yeah?" I reply.

"U-um" She stuttered. "I was wondering why you spoke to Commander like that today. I-if you want to that is." She added the last part hastily. I look at her partly confused, Why'd she want to know that? "It's just that you looked so calm, I was so scared of him. How come you weren't?" Right to the point then.

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