Chapter 48 A turn in Events

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"Omi, question," Kanna spoke, peering at me while I looked over at Zack and Tyler who began fighting over the other side of the mess hall. People cheering and placing beats surrounded the boys as they swung missed punches at each other.

"Shoot." I nodded as I turned away from the fight much like most other guild members. Tyler and Zack's fighting was nothing new and Zack almost always won. There was little chance Tyler would be able to pull one over on Zack so there was little point watching.

"What's the worst part of being you?" Kanna asked the question with a straight face, though her eyes were eager.

I found myself blinking in confusion at her, a dumbfounded look passed over my face. "W-What?"

"Ugh." An audible groan escaped her lips as she rolled her eyes at me.

I scrunched up my nose at her, rolling my eyes I thought, Geez, I'm sorry I'm too tired to comprehend your way of speech.

"What I mean, is what is the worst part about being Reapers Echo, an assassin who is the most known out of us, unknowns." She waves her hand gesturing to those in the mess hall along with us.

I hum quietly to myself, looking around the mess hall, no one was paying attention to us and not the small agreements that broke out around us.

It was oddly relaxing to see metal knives and guns flashing as people threatened each other.
How odd is it to find peace in the chaos?

"The answer to your question is a hard one, Kanna." I pursed my lips.

It really is though. I couldn't tell her about my dreams, about the constant thought of death and murder. Insomnia or the want of having a knife in your hands. The annoying fact that I don't feel safe without a weapon on my person. How bloodshed was now all I saw when I closed my eyes.

Yeah... what the fuck am I supposed to tell you?

"Probably the fact I have to be really careful," I spoke hesitantly, an idea running through my mind.

Kanna leaned forwards across the table, her elbows on the tabletop, fingers laced together while her chin rested on her hands. "How come?"

"I'm wanted dead by too many people, I have to be careful who I talk to, how I talk, what I tell people, who have seen me where. I'm faceless which gives me an advantage now, but when people find out who I am... I have a lot of people who want me dead and if they find out who I am, I'm going to have to sleep with both eyes open, one eye won't suffice."

Kanna found herself humming quietly, "You have pissed off many people. Other guilds..."

I nodded, "Other guilds are going to be after me, they'll want me dead. After all..." I found myself grinning as I yawned and leaned back in my seat, "I am the one who has murdered many guild masters in my time, no guild will ever be happy about that, whether they liked them or not. Losing someone you have blindly followed, it is not an easy matter to come to terms with."

"You won't blame them would you?" Kanna found herself laughing.

"Nope! More people to beat up, test my strength."

Mentally and Physically.


My eyes opened slowly, I blinked slowly as I comprehended where I was.

Cold stone floors, back against a wall... My knees were pulled to my chest, arms over them while my head rested upon my knees.

Either I have passed out in the underground streets or I am still in this god-forsaken cell.

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