Chapter 10 The Trial

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I woke up early, like usual, that morning. Laura allowed me to get dressed but she made me wait for the others in my bed.

So I sat there impatiently waiting for them to show up. I had most of my gear on other than the brown cropped jacket and my boots.

I was sitting upright underneath the white sheets of the bed. I had the dagger my father gave me in my hand, I was twisting it around in my hands nervously. 

"Naomi." Riko greets. Her eyes widen as she sees the knife in my hand as if recognizing it. I didn't see her discomfort as I was looking down at the knife. 

I turn my gaze away from my knife and to Riko. I incline my head towards her. Wondering why she looked so uncomfortable.

"How are you feeling?"

"Bored," I reply simply. "Are we going now?"

She nods, I get to move my legs to the side of the bed, sliding my dagger into its spot inside my boot after putting them on. I stood up and swung my jacket on.

"Let's go."

I nod and follow her out of the infirmary, thanking Luara as I left.

"Come back in a few days to get those stitches removed." She reminds me.

I nod and get into the carriage that would take me and Riko to the court where Eren was being trialled.

We didn't speak the whole way. I looked out the window to pass the time. Thinking of a way to memorise everything about Levi that I would be able to learn from observing him today.


I walked inside the courtroom after Riko who walked in before me.

My eyes travelled around the room, I first notice Mikasa and Armin. Armin waved me over and I started to move in their direction. Further down the row, I caught sight of Commander Erwin and my target, Levi Ackerman.

I glare at him, a force of habit. As if sensing my gaze he turns in my direction and raises an eyebrow at me.

I roll my eyes and quicken my pace to get to Armin and Mikasa.

"Hello. I have escaped from my confinement." 

Armin smiles, "It couldn't have been that bad."

"When you are me, then yes, it was that bad. I felt like I was trapped like the walls were going to start suffocating me if I stayed in there any longer."

"Stop being dramatic." Mikasa rolls her eyes at me.

"Sorry, forgot that your boyfriend is the one on trial. You must be so worried about him." I tease.

Mikasa scowls at me, "He's not my boyfriend."

"Your actions say otherwise."

"Oi, stop." Riko appears from behind me and grips my stitched wound. 

"Oi!" I growl, "Let the fuck go before I murder you." I hiss.

Riko looked at me in confusion and fear letting go hastily.

Shit! Force of habit. I can't believe I just threatened her like I would with those in the guild. Pull yourself together, Naomi! But why did she look so frightened?

"Sorry." I say, "That's where my stitches are." 

She shakes her head, "No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have done that."

I was about to turn to talk to Armin and Mikasa when I shivered. I felt the odd sensation that I was being watched. When I turned my head I made eye contact with Levi. I glare at him coldly. Threatening him to keep looking at me. To keep looking and see what will happen.

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