Chapter 32 Traitors and Regrets

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That was how I found myself in Levi's room. Standing at the door while he moved around the room. I was unsure as to what he was doing. 

He gazed at me with his usually cold eyes that had gone soft. They seemed to look bluer like this. "Brat, take off your boots." He orders.

I blink before taking off my boots and leaving them at the door. I gaze at my right boot, the one with my dagger in it. 

"You can take it out if you want," Levi told me as he caught me staring at the boot. I blinked in surprise. "Did you think I didn't notice it?"

"No..." I muttered, Actually yes, No one else had... I thought before kneeling down and taking it out of my boot. I spun it in my hand, I didn't have my belt with me, it was back in the barracks. I stood, gazing at the dagger that had saved me on more than one occasion.

"Here," Levi said suddenly, catching my attention. I stopped spinning my dagger in my hand and looked at him. He motioned with his hand to sit at a small table at the other end of the room, 2 cups of tea sat on the wood.

I took a deep breath before walking over to the table and sitting opposite him. I should've felt as if I was walking into enemy territory but I felt safe. As safe as I would be back in the guild. Back home. It scared me. 

When I sat down I placed the dagger on the table, the hilt hanging over the edge slightly. 

Levi eyed me but said nothing, he leaned into the back of the chair. He brought the cup to his mouth, the way he did it looked so abnormal to me. He seemed to be the only one who did it that way.

"Why am I here?" I ask, gazing around the room that was clean. Too clean. The exact opposite of what my room was. A mess, a death trap, and a maze that only I could navigate. The bed sat in the corner, it was neat and tidy, the sheets white and crisp. A small space on the other end of the room that looked to be a small kitchen, which I assumed was where he made the tea. A desk cluttered with papers and ink pots sat looking out a window, that was the only messy thing about the room. 

Well, apart from the 2 people sitting in it. Maybe it was only me who was a mess.

"We are finishing off the conversation we stopped on the way back," Levi said it left no room for question. "You are going to tell me exactly why you are the way you are."

I blink a few times, "My father." I say simply. "Kenny. The underground." I list the 3 key things I could talk about to him. Even if it was in small detail.

He sighed, "Are you seriously going on about those three? What about Alec? What about the 4 people you say you killed?" 

I look away from him before taking the cup of tea and sipping it. It was surprisingly good, almost as good as a drink made by Ollie. "The tea is surprisingly good. All the ones I've had was crap."

"Don't avoid the question."

"I wasn't trying to! Take a compliment." I mutter before taking another sip. After I was done I placed the cup back on the table. "So you want to get into detail?" He nodded, "What should I talk about first?"

"Alec. Tell me about Alec." 

I paused for a moment, not really knwoing where to start. Not really knowing how much I could say, I didn't even consider what I needed to tell him. "His hair was as black as obsidian, eyes as blue as a lake we would go to. He was always smiling, it was so contagious, and he intrigued me, the first time I saw him I couldn't take my eyes off him. The way he looked at me, the way his eyes smiled." I pictured him as I talked, "I met him when I was 14. We clicked instantly--"

"Where did you meet him?"

"The underground." I answer, "He's the same age as me. He was the kind of protagonist you fall for in books, the kind that girls drooled over. Turns out I wasn't an exception. I fell for him, harder than anyone I'd ever met. From what I could gather he did too. Kanna, Kallum, Alec and I were the group everyone seemed to envy, the group tighter than family. We knew each other better than ourselves." I pull out the puzzle piece necklace I never took off, gazing at the words sprawled across it as I spoke, "We were on top of the world. Life only got better when Alec and I got together. A power couple. We lived life in the moment."

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