Chapter 39 Rethinking

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What I could do was next to nothing. I watched from my spot leaning against a wall, dagger in hand as Kanna taught the children around her. The youngest looked to be 10.

She held a throwing knife delicately in her hand, showing the kids how to hold it. Moving along the group and adjusting their own hold of the knife.

I didn't think that was the way to teach them. Show them how to throw a knife and tell them to hold it how it best suits them. The way I held and threw my knives had to do more with my wrist than anything. I didn't need to wind my arm back behind my head before throwing it, just a flick of my wrist. Although the amount of strength and conditioning I put myself through to get that good was more than these kids would ever do. 

Kanna knew I was staring and gave me a smile. Her green eyes smiled at me as her long black hair fell over her shoulders in its usual fashion. 

I wondered if she considered getting out of this blood-ridden life. Live life with Kallum. A smile found it's way to my lips as I pictured them with kids in their early twenties. Kanna had always talked about having kids, and how she would make me an aunt. Even if we weren't blood-related we were as close as close could be. 

I doubted I'd ever have kids. If I did I wouldn't want them to grow up the way I did. If they really desired it I wouldn't stop them, I'd just try to get them to not take up assassinations. Theifery and package intercept for them. They wouldn't have to be like their mother, bruised and broken.

That was if I'd ever have them. At the rate I was going, I'd probably end up killing almost anyone I could possibly have a life with, ruining whatever chances by coming home covered in blood, a wild yet calm look in my eyes.

Though, there was always Noah. He saw me covered in blood, he saw me stitch up my own wounds while drunk, and he laughed along with me when I was breaking over Alec, cheering me up when I was on the verge of tears.

I subconsciously bit my lip. I'd barely thought about Alec, at this point in time the only people who ruled my mind were Shane, Kanna, Kallum and Levi. 

Why him? Ask my subconscious self, my conscious self wouldn't be much help.

"Come show them how you throw your knives," Kanna called me over.

I scowled and stalked over, switching the dagger in my hands for 3 throwing knives, holding them by the blade between my fingers in my left hand. "This better be all I have to do," I muttered and Kanna laughed. I turned to face the kids, my mask was pulled over my mouth and nose, if I'm honest, I missed having the fabric obscuring my facial features. Living without it made me feel exposed. Now that I was with it I felt at peace. Well, as much at peace as I could.

"Take off your mask." Kanna nudged me.

"In your dreams." I scoffed as I stood in front of the target. "You get three knives. Watch carefully." I said, "Position number 1." I said, drawing my right hand behind me before bringing it forward the knife glided out of my hand hitting the bullseye on the target in front of me. "Position 2." I moved my right hand holding the second knife near where I would draw them from my belt. My grip on the hilt tightened as I whipped my hand around, releasing it, the knife twirled in the air, cutting through the particles as it ended up next to my first knife.

A few murmurs of excitement sounded behind me, causing me to smile slightly. 

If I had kids I'd teach them how to wield a knife. It's a life skill. I mused to myself, "Position 3." I said simply before giving my wrist a simple flick. It was my favourite way to throw a knife, a simple flick of the wrist was fast enough to catch almost anyone off guard. It was my fastest way of drawing a knife, and the way I was most accustomed to using.

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