I'll Rather Starve To Death

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I woke up to the sound of Pedri's voice. He was in the kitchen talking to someone I didn't really want to be around right now.


I let out a sigh and got out the bed. My first destination was the bathroom, where I freshened up a little and got ready for the day ahead.

Which I can sense won't be very pleasant.

Full of tears.

"Morning." Pedri said as soon as I walked in and placed a kiss on my shoulder when I sat down at the table. "Luca brought some breakfast."

I lifted up my eyes from the appetising plate and looked at Luca, who was sitting across me.

His face was just as serious at mine. And in any other circumstances, we both probably would've burst into laughter at how stupid we looked.

But that wasn't the case.

I pushed my plate away from me without breaking the eye contact.

'Thanks, but I'll rather starve to death."

And with a forced smile I got up and headed for my shoes.

"Irina, come on..." Pedri said softly. "Just eat a little."

"I'll eat somewhere else."

I saw Pedri give Luca a look, making him stand up. They both joined me to put their shoes on.

"Okay, let's go." Pedri said and we excited the apartment.

We got out of the building and I took my phone out of my pocket to call me and Pedri a taxi, while Luca went to my car.

Or at least that was once my car.

"Irina, Luca is literally going to the same place as us." he chuckled. "We can go with him."

"We can call a taxi."

While me and Pedri started bickering, Luca approached us.

"Can I talk to her for a second?" Luca asked Pedri.

"No, you cannot talk to her for a second." I said.

"She's all yours." Pedri looked at Luca, which handed him the car keys.

"What the hell's gotten into you?" Luca said through his teeth.

"What's gotten into me... is that..." I let out a sigh. "Is that the person who was meant to always tell me the truth... lied to me."

"I didn't lie to you!" he protested. "You didn't even freaking ask me!"

"This isn't something I needed to ask!" I shouted at him. "This is something you should've told me the minute you found out."

"You can't seriously be mad at me forever for this." he chuckled in frustration.

"I can, actually."

"Oh my God, oh my God..." he said more to himself, shifting around.

"And why, because you didn't want to upset me?"

He stopped and looked at me. "I never want to upset you." he said in a serious tone. "And I'm sorry that you think I lied to you and betrayed you." he frowned his eyebrows. "But that's not it. There's something else going on and you're not telling me."

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"Who's the one lying now, huh?"

After a few moments I decided to speak again.

"Everyone is leaving..." I shook my head, trying to fight back the tears. "Everyone."

Luca tried to place himself a bit more in front of me, blocking Pedri's view. He knew I didn't want this to turn into an even bigger thing, and as much as he's an asshole sometimes, he still knew me better than anyone else.

"I left..." I let out a sigh. "I left you guys and I hated it. I hated it because I loved it here. I loved being with you." A few tears escaped my eyes. "And then, news broke out about almost every player at PSG leaving. Going to teams that are on the other side of the world. I know how stupid this sounds but..."

I was aware of how pathetic I looked right now.

"But I just hoped that when I felt like I wanted to come home, I'll find you all just how I left you."

"There's nothing wrong with feeling like this." he said softly. "You hate change, I know that." he smiled softly. "But this is how life works and things and people don't stay in the same place forever. That's just not how it works." he shrugged his shoulders with a faint smile. "But just because things change, it doesn't mean that everything gets erased. This is still your home, we are still with you and we will always be. No matter how far we are or who we're with. We'll always be right here." he smiled and placed his hand over my heart.

I placed my hand on top of his and took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry for being an asshole, I guess..."

"I guess I'm fine with that shitty apology." he nodded his head.

We both looked at eachother and chuckled.

"Come on, let's get you two something to eat." he said winking at my belly and throwing an arm over my shoulders.

"And that breakfast did look delicious by the way." I said.

"Thanks, but I'll rather starve to death." Luca said mockingly, making me hit him playfully.

As soon as Pedri saw us walking towards the car in this state, a massive smile appeared across his face.

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