Pinky Promise

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'Who do you actually take me for?' I asked annoyed.

'Calm down, Davies.' Kylian chuckled. 'I said day, not night.' he shook his head.

'And you'll try to fix things?' I asked with a serious tone.

'Yes.' he nodded his head. 'I promise.'

'You'll start on Monday.' I said, ready to leave but he stepped in front of me.

'Woah, woah, woah.' he said shaking his head. 'No way.'

'What?' I asked confused. 'You start fixing things and then we can go spend this day together.'

'No, no. You'll bail on me if I do that.' he frowned his eyebrows.

'You don't trust me?' I chuckled.

'In fact, no, no I don't.' he said with a serious expression on his face.

'I promise.' I said giving him my pinky.

He looked at me with a confused expression and started laughing, throwing his head back.

'A pinky promise?' he laughed. 'How old are you?'

I didn't say anything, waiting for him to lock his pinky with mine. After a few minutes, he gave in.

'This is so stupid.' he shook his head with a smile.

'Good luck champ.' I said patting him on his shoulder and going inside.


The night was going well, me, Neymar, Luca and Andrea danced and sang for most of it, having a good time. Me and Kylian locked eyes a few times throughout the night, but luckily, no one realised. Sunrise was upon us so we decided to say our goodbyes and head home, Luca and Andrea crashing at my place once again.

'I had so much fun tonight!' Neymar said dropping on my bed, his speech slurred as he had a lot to drink.

'I'm glad you did.' I said laughing, trying to take his shoes off.

'Did you have a good time?' he sat upright, his eyes meeting mine.

'I had a great time.' I smiled, our faces only inches apart.

We looked at eachother for a while, until he decided to kiss me passionately and pull me on top of him.

'Come on, let's get you changed.' I said laughing, trying to undo his shirt buttons.

'Just rip it off of me.' he said smiling, dropping his head back.

'Just shut up.' I laughed.

After I was done undressing him, he tucked himself into bed while I changed too. When I joined him, I realised he was already sound asleep.


'I'm going to leave without you!' I said banging on Luca's apartment door for 5 minutes. 'What the hell are you doing?!'

It was currently 9:00am on a Monday. We were already late as our Sunday was spent by ordering food and watching all the Pirates of The Caribbean movies. Neymar left last night so he can be ready for training, while Andrea and Luca returned to their apartment not long after Ney's departure.

The door swung open, revealing a very tired Luca.

'I can't do this anymore.' he said walking out the door shaking his head. 'Who's idea was it to have a movie marathon?' he went down the stairs, me following closely behind.

'Should I remind you that in fact, it was you who came up with the idea?' I said laughing, playfully pushing him out the building.

We walked to my car and drove straight to the training centre, greeting the receptionist and heading towards our office.

'Can I talk to you?' Kylian grabbed my arm before being able to enter the office.

Luca glanced at him and then at me with a questioning look on his face, and entered the office, leaving us alone.

'Did something happen?' I asked.

'How am I meant to do it?' he said quietly. 'We've been in training for 30 minutes and he hasn't looked at me once.' he said with a serious expression. 'He's glued to Leo.'

'I don't know.' I said shrugging my shoulders. 'You know him better than anyone else. Find a way.' I said walking in the office and leaving the golden boy outside.

'What was that all about?' Luca asked.

'Kylian just being Kylian.' I shrugged my shoulders, sitting at my desk.

Luca got up and positioned himself in front of my desk, closing my laptop and leaning over.

'What are you not telling me?' he said staring at me.

'I don't know what you're talking about.' I said not breaking the eye contact.

'Was Kylian just being Kylian in the smoking area too?' he said smirking.

'What?' I said my eyes widening in shock.

'You heard me.' he said coming even closer, our faces inches apart. 'What are you not telling me?' he said quietly, still smirking.

I leaned even closer, 'Personal space.' I said smiling and pushing him away, making him laugh.

'I know you too well, Irina.' he shook his head.

And that was the truth. Me and Luca knew everything about eachother, and even though Neymar was the person I fell in love with and Andrea was like a sister to me, Luca was my soulmate.

'I might've made a deal with the golden boy.' I said giving in.

'You what?' he asked surprised. 'What deal?'

'You're the one that told me about Neymar missing Kylian, remember?' he rolled his eyes. 'You're the one that came to me and asked if there's anything I can do, remember?'

'So you what? You go and hook up with him?'

'What?!' I said standing up. 'I didn't hook up with him!' I pushed him as soon as I reached in front of him.

'So what's the deal?' he said with a serious look on his face.

'I asked him to try and make things right between them. That's all.' I shrugged my shoulders. 'And earlier he just told me how he finds it mission impossible to do so.'

'And what does he want in return?' he folded his arms.


'I know when you're lying to me. What does he-'

'He wants to spend a day with me.' I said cutting him off.


'A day, Luca. Not a night.' I said laughing.

'And you're going to do it?'

'Yes. What can go wrong?'

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