It Slipped My Mind

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'Are you crying?'

'Why aren't you crying?' I asked Pedri, frowning my eyebrows.

'I didn't know there's a reason to, but don't worry, I might be able to squeeze a few tears out.' he chuckled and walked towards the couch.

'Did you know?'

'Know what?' he asked confused as he plunged next to me.

I handed him my phone that was opened on Fabrizio Romano's instagram page, where he has officially announced that Lionel Messi will be joining Inter Miami.

'If you didn't know, there was no way I knew.'

I took my phone back and stared at the post a little bit more. 'I can't believe it...' I said quietly, shaking my head. 'He can't just leave.'

'Leave PSG or Europe?' Pedri smiled softly.

'Europe. I couldn't care less about what team he decides to play for. I'll be there. Body and soul. But Inter Miami? That's on the other side of the world.' I let out a sigh.

'Pack your bags.' he said standing up.

'You wanna move to Miami?' I asked confused.

'We're taking a trip to Paris.'


Me and Pedri have been knocking at Luca's door for the past 15 minutes.

'Don't you have a key?' Pedri asked me.

I shook my head and turned around, placing my back on the door.

'Why don't you call him?'

'Because I'm angry at him.'

'Why?' he asked confused.

'Because I bet he knew. And yet...' I let out a sigh. 'He chose not to tell me.'

'Come on...' Pedri said softly.

'We'll just have to wait I guess.' I shrugged my shoulders and walked down the stairs, Pedri following me closely.

'And where exactly are we meant to wait?' he chuckled. 'In the middle of the street?'

I was slowly scanning the surroundings, my eyes falling onto Pierre's restaurant, which was opened.

'You got to be kidding me.' I said quietly, walking towards it.

'Where are you going?' he rushed after me.

'I know exactly we're we're going to wait.' I smiled.

I entered the familiar place, going all the way to the front.

'Bonjour. Servez-vous toujours cet incroyable omelette?' (Hello. Do you still serve that incredible omelette?)

'Oh, you got to be kidding me.' he said turning around. 'Oh my God!' he smiled from ear to ear, glancing at my belly.


'Irina!' he exclaimed as he hugged me gently. 'It's so good to see you.'

'It's good seeing you too.' I said softly. 'Pierre, this is Pedri, my boyfriend.' I gestured towards him as soon as we broke off the hug. 'Pedri, this is Pierre.' I smiled.

They exchanged nice to meet yous while shaking eachother's hands.

'Are you guys hungry?' Pierre asked. 'Don't even tell me, I know you must be starving.' he chuckled, pointing at me. 'You guys go sit down, I'll go chef something up.'

'You didn't even tell him what you want to eat.' Pedri whispered to me as we were going to a more secluded table.

'Pierre was like our personal chef. His food is to die for.' I smiled, taking a seat.

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