Morroco v Croatia

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I woke up at 7:00, jumped in the shower and got ready for the day ahead. Morroco was playing Croatia first, followed by Spain and Costa Rica later on.

I grabbed my bag and left the room, heading towards Luca's place.

'Luca!' I shouted after minutes of knocking. 'Wake up!'

I was banging on the door, annoyed and angry.

'Problems in Paradise?' Jude's voice startled me.

I turned my head to look at him, my eyebrows frowned. 'I'm going to kill him.'

'Are you sure he's in his room?' he chuckled.

'Why wouldn't he be?' I asked confused. 'That's where he went last night after we got back from the match.'

'I don't know then.' he shrugged his shoulders with a smile.

'You know something.' I turned my full body around, pointing a finger at his chest. 'Where is Luca, Jude?'

'I don't know where Luca is.' he chuckled.

'Let me rephrase that.' I smiled sarcastically. 'Tell me where Luca is, or I'm going to give you hell.' I whisper shouted, making him laugh.

'I might've saw him by the pool last night.' he shrugged his shoulders.

'Might've?' I asked. 'Oh my god, did he drown?'

'He was with a girl.' he laughed.

'A girl?' I frowned my eyebrows. 'What girl?'

'I don't know, Irina.' he shook his head. 'A girl.'

I threw my head back in frustration. 'I'm going to kill him.' I groaned. 'What the hell am I meant to do? Knock at every door until I find him?'

'I would love to help you but I've got to get to a meeting.' Jude smiled softly. 'But if I find out anything, I'll message you.'

'Yeah, thanks.' I smiled and headed towards the elevator while Jude went to knock on someone's door.

I was now in front of Kylian's door, banging on it. He didn't make me wait too long. He looked like I just woke him up, the only clothing on his body being a pair of black boxers.

Without realising, I scanned his body, not expecting that at all.

'You want to come in?' he smirked.

My eyes grew wide in shock and I hit him playfully. 'Don't do that.'

'Then what can I help you with?' he chuckled. 'Do you realise what time it is?'

'I lost Luca.'

'What do you mean you lost Luca?' he laughed.

'I lost him. Last night we got back to the hotel together, he went to his room, I went to mine and now when I went to wake him up, he wasn't answering and Jude came out of no where and said he saw him with a girl last night by the pool.' I blurted out. 'I fricking lost him to a girl.' I frowned my eyebrows.

'It's not a big deal.' Kylian laughed. 'Boys do that. Luca is single.'

'Do you understand what I'm saying?' I frowned my eyebrows. 'Me and Luca should be on our way to meet the Moroccan team but here I am, playing Dora the Explorer because I lost him to a girl by the pool last night.'

'And what do you want to do?' Kylian asked.

'I don't know.' I said frustrated.

My eyes fell once again on his body, scanning it from head to toe, taking a deep breath. I walked inside the room and sat on Kylian's bed.

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