I'll Fricking Laugh At Me

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It's been 5 days since Pedri's get together, 5 days in which I kept to my usual routine, 5 days in which me and Pedri got even more closer.

I was at home, in my pyjamas. I called off to work as I felt a little cold catching up to me and wanted to make sure I get rid of it before it does its thing.

'Hey.' I picked up the phone.

'Hey, you weren't in today.' Pedri said on the other side of the phone.

'Yeah, I feel a cold trying to creep up on me.'

'Are you okay? Do you need anything?' he asked, his tone worried.

'I'm fine, thank you.' I smiled. 'What's up?' I asked, checking the time and he should be in training.

'I was going to ask for a little favour, but I didn't know you we—'

'Woah, slow down.' I chuckled. 'Tell me.'

'No, it's fine. Honestly.'

'Pedri.' I said sternly. 'Tell me.'

'Fine.' he let out a sigh. 'There's a match today and I'm not playi—'

'What? Why?' I asked confused.

'Because I have this little pain in my knee and Xavi said it's better this way to not force it.'

'Are you okay? Did you go doctors?' I asked worried.

'I'm fine, I had a little check up. Nothing too serious.' he chuckled.

'What's funny?'

'It's quite nice hearing you sound all worried.' and even though I couldn't see him, I knew he was smiling.

'Shut up.' I chuckled. 'So what's the little favour?'

'As I'm not playing and I won't be there as a supporter either...' he paused. 'I was wondering if you could go and just be there for Gavi.' he let out a sigh. 'He didn't want to ask you himself and told me not to mention it to you whatsoever, but I couldn't help it.'

'Of course.' I smiled. 'It'll be my pleasure. What time is the match?'

'Are you serious?' he asked confused. 'Look, Irina, seriously, if you're not feeling well it's not a big deal...'

'What time, Pedri.'

'Be there for 6:30pm.' he said softly.

2 hours and a half to get ready. Great.

'Okay, perfect.' I said.

'You're amazing! Thank you, thank you. I—' he stopped instantly. 'I, erm, I will see you soon.'

I chuckled, having an idea of what was about to happen. 'Yeah, I know.' I smiled. 'I, erm, I will see you soon too.' I said mocking him, making him laugh.

After we ended the phone call, I got up from my bed and jumped into the shower. After taking a 15 minute hot shower, I walked straight to my closet, grabbing a pair of black jeans with a black turtle neck and Pedri's FC Barcelona jumper, that I have to admit, I've stolen because I liked it too much.

And it low-key smelled like him.

But that's not the point.

After straightening my hair and applying some makeup, I check the time to see that it's already 17:45. I put my shoes on and grab my car keys, heading towards Camp Nou.


I got at Camp Nou at 18:15, parked my car and walked straight in. I was a bit nervous, as I've never been at a football match alone.

As soon as I entered, I walked towards the players' area where they have their changing rooms to meet Gavi. However, I was faced with two very intimidating men that were securing the area.

And that's what happens when you forget you don't actually work here.

'Esta es un área privada señora.' (This is a private area ma'am.) the bold scary man said.

'Sí, estoy aquí por Gavi.' (Yes, I'm here for Gavi.) I smiled.

'No son todas las chicas?' (Aren't all the girls?) the other scary man said mocking me.

Of course. Gavi doesn't actually know I'm here because he told Pedri not to tell me whatsoever. Great.

'Bueno, Gavi en realidad no sabe que estoy destinado a estar aquí porque Pedri me llamó y me envió aquí.' (Well, Gavi doesn't actually know I'm meant to be here because Pedri called me and sent me here.) they laughed at me.

Of course they laughed at me. I'll fricking laugh at me.

'Señora, tiene que irse, de lo contrario tendremos que escoltarla.' (Ma'am you have to leave, otherwise we'll have to escort you out.)

'Look, I'm not a fan.' I started in English, as clearly I was meeting some difficulties in Spanish. 'Actually, I am a fan, but if you go ask Gavi he'll tell you that everything is fine and you can let me through.'

'Ma'am, please leave.' the bold guy said with a very thick accent.

'Can you please just go and tell Gavi that Irina is here?' I said insisting.

This is not happening to me, this is not happening to me.

The two men stepped towards me, trying to grab me and clearly escort me out.

'Woah, woah.' I said taking a step back. 'Do not touch me.' I raised my hands in defence. 'I swear to—' and with that they grabbed me, my legs now away from the ground. 'Are you fricking kidding me?' I protested, grabbing the attention of a few people.

'You're not meant to be here.' one of the men said sternly, still holding on to me, dragging me away.

'Get your hands off of me, or you'll regret it.' I said sternly.

My eyes were desperately looking for someone that I could recognise. And that's when it happened. My eyes fell on Raphinha, who already caught a glimpse of me.

'Irina?!' he asked confused, jogging towards us, making the two men stop in their tracks.

'Señor, por favor no se acerque más.' (Sir, please don't come any closer.) the bold man told him.

'Raph, diles que me conoces. Dígales.' (Raph, tell them you know me. Tell them.) I said with pleading eyes.

'What the hell happened?!' he asked confused. 'It's okay, you can let her go. She's family.'

'Estas seguro?' (Are you sure?) the man asked.

'Yes, yes, he's sure.' I said annoyed. 'You heard him, I'm family.'

'Si, si, estoy seguro.' (Yes, yes, I am sure.) Raphinha said frustrated.

The two men let go of me, almost dropping me to the floor. I steadied myself and turned around to face them.

'You're really lucky he showed up.' I said pointing my finger at them.

'Let's go.' Raphinha said laughing, leading me to the so secluded area.

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