Mr. Angry Bird

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The last two days have been relaxing and stressful at the same time. After having brunch with Gavi, where I continuously bombarded him with questions as to why he's avoiding Ela, all three of us changed into a more beach-friendly clothes and sat on the beach for most of the morning.

'Hijo de puta!' Gavi suddenly bursts as he tosses his poor phone across and Pedri catches it. 'Who does he think he is posting such a picture?!'

Opened on his screen is his Instagram account and a newly-posted story from an account named sergio.das73 showing a picture of Ela as she stares out at a distance.

It seems like Sergio here took a candid picture of my beautiful friend and captioned it "Guapa <3" and if you're a stranger looking at this post, you'd think she's his girlfriend.

I have tried everything in my power to get Gavi and Ela to confess, and I would have never guessed that all it had to be was for Gavi to have some shocking awakening that he could actually lose her to an old friend, only if he'd realize that Ela has been waiting for him to tell her how he feels and not just ignore her after sharing some moments together.

And that's the exact reason why we left for Barcelona in a haste. I am now sitting in the backseat of Pedri's car as Gavi called shotgun for the passenger seat.

Ela's POV:

It feels like I have been sitting in this restaurant for ages as I try my best to keep up with what Sergio has been animatedly telling me for the last 20 minutes.

I am not trying to be rude or anything, and I genuinely wanted to meet up with my old friend after he texted me that he is in Barcelona, but my thoughts just keep escaping me and wander over to Gavi.

'Ela?' Sergio snaps his finger in front of my face and laughs, bringing me back to reality. 'Are you still here? Or did I already lose you to someone?'

For some reason, his question seem to insinuate something more than just what it should, but I try to brush it off by feigning innocence.

'I have no clue what you're talking about.' I try and laugh it off, smacking his hand playfully as well.

I was about to pull away from him but he reaches for my arm as he stands up a little from his sitting position, bringing his face closer to mine.

Dani is not not handsome, in fact, he is above average for most girls, but who am I kidding here? I can keep trying to get over my stupid childhood love, but I know deep down that kissing another guy, a friend of ours for that matter, will not help the situation. Even though Gavi has been avoiding me, and hurting me in the process, I know that the only way to get over things properly is for both of us to talk it out.

'Are you still in love with Gavi?' he starts as he pulls in even closer, daring me to admit that my aloofness is not caused by the same guy who I rejected him for when we were 12 years old.

'What?' I make an exaggerated surprised look. 'No.' I shook my head. 'No, no way. Why... why would you even think that?' I stutter as my pea of a brain tries to come up with an excuse, but to no avail so I give in, 'Fine.' I roll my eyes defeated. 'You're right... I am not over it. Pathetic, right? I still have all these stupid feelings for him after all these years."

Dani sits back down, pulling away from me.

Confusingly, he has a big smile on as if he's amused by my misery. "I don't think it's pathetic.' he smiles. 'Besides, here comes Mr. Angry bird." he says with a chuckle as he gestures for me to look right behind me, Gavi walking in a huff towards us.


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