Argentina v Mexico

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'Are you coming back to the hotel with us?' I asked Kylian.

'I wished.' he smiled softly. 'I really wanted to see Pedri and hear about his reaction but I have to get back with the team. Plus, I'll just catch him later.'

'Thank you.' I wrapped my arms around him. 'Thank you, really.'

'Hey.' he said holding me. 'I love you and I'll always be there to help you.' he said softly.

'I love you too.' I moved back to look at him.

Luca returned from his little toilet break and walked back to us. 'Shall we go?' he smiled.

'Sure.' I nodded my head. 'We'll see you later.'

'Bye.' Kylian said smiling.


'You think he cried?' Luca asked as soon as we stepped into the hotel's lobby.

'What? No.' I shook my head laughing.

We walked into the restaurant, hoping that they'll be there. Luca spotted them first, making me follow him.

'Irina!' Maria said excitedly as soon as she saw me.

'Hola! Qué bueno verte!' (Hello! It's so good to see you!) I smiled widely, hugging her as she stood up from her seat.

'Mírate.' (Look at you.) his father said softly with a smile on his face, dragging me into a hug.

'Good seeing you, Irina.' Fernando smiled.

'Same here.' I returned the gesture.

'Hey.' I said placing a kiss on Pedri's lips.

Luca was introducing himself, while Pedri was trying to say something to me.

'What's wrong?' I asked a bit worried.

'I just can't believe it.' he smiled. 'I can't believe you're real.' he chuckled softly.

'I'm glad you liked your gift.'

'How did you even manage to pull this?'

'I told you.' I smiled. 'I had help and resources.'

'You're unbelievable.' he placed a soft kiss on my lips.

'Qué tal el vuelo?' (So how was the flight?) I asked taking a seat in between Pedri and Luca.

'Fue genial. Muchas gracias por esto.' (It was great. Thank you so much for this.) Maria smiled softly at me.

'Tu hijo merece el mundo.' (Your son deserves the world.) I smiled, placing my hand on top of Pedri's.

'Van a pasar el resto del día con nosotros?' (Are you guys going to spend the rest of the day with us?) his father glanced at me and Luca.

'Por mucho que me guste, no podemos.' (As much as I'll love to, we can't.) I said with a sad smile.

'El partido de Argentina se acerca y tenemos que volver al trabajo.' (Argentina's match is coming up and we have to get back to work.) Luca added.

'Es comprensible.' (It's understandable.) Maria nodded her head.

After chatting a little bit more, me and Luca stood up from our seats.

'Nos vamos a ir.' (We'll get going now.) I smiled. 'Fue muy bueno verte y sé que te vas mañana después del partido, así que si termino no verte hoy, asegúrate de verte mañana.' (It was really good seeing you and I know you're leaving tomorrow after the game, so if I end up not seeing you today, make sure I'll see you tomorrow.)

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