It's On Me

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I got at the training centre af around 6:45pm so I decided to wait in the car until Pedri comes out. He finishes at 7pm which means he'll be out by 7:15pm or 7:30 the latest.

While I was waiting I decided to do a little research on him.

Pedro González López. We're the same age. Youngest goal scorer in the history of UD Las Palmas. From the Canary Islands. Second youngest player to reach 50 appearances for Barcelona. No previous lovers. Nothing on his personal life. Seems like he likes to keep everything private. A golden retriever over all.

At around 7:10pm Pedri was walking into my direction. I gave him a warm smile, analysing how he looked. His hair was wet like he had just showered. He was wearing a pair of black cargos with bulky pockets on the sides. Not a fan, but he somehow made it look good. He wore a black t-shirt and a brown jacket on top, giving some sort of colour to his outfit.

'Hey.' he said after he climbed into the passenger seat, receiving a smile from me as an answer.

The car filled up with a smell of cologne, not one of those sickly ones, but an expensive one, the type it's a joy to breath in.

'Have you been waiting for long?' He asked almost concerned.

'No.' I shook my head lying.

We started making small conversation, driving away from the training centre.


'Do you have any particular places you enjoy? Or can I choose?' he asked.

'Do you trust me?' I smiled.

'Well, I am letting you be the driver.' he smiled, glancing at me, making me chuckle.

Good one.

'As I'm the one that invited you out, I already made a reservation.' I smiled.

'You did?' he asked surprised.

'Of course.' I nodded my head. 'It'll be quite weird showing up and having no clue where to go.' I glanced at him, a smile growing on his face.

'I wouldn't of judged if you didn't.' he chuckled.

'Oh, yeah, because you're so not the judgemental type.' I said sarcastically, both of us sharing a laugh.


After a 30 minute drive, we got to the restaurant I picked. The reviews had been wild, the food apparently to die for and the waiters being some of the best rated. Even though it sounded like a dream, it wasn't in the eye of the public too much. This meant that Pedri's and mine dinner won't be interrupted by any paparazzis. And we didn't have to be dressed fancy for it either.

'Tiene una reserva?' the waiter softly smiled at us as soon as we entered the restaurant.

'Sí. Es una mesa para dos personas, bajo el nombre de Irina.' I smiled, and I could see Pedri's eyes widening as soon as I replied in Spanish.

'Sigueme.' the waiter said.

We followed her to a table in a more reserved space, somewhere near the window, the lit up city giving us a view to die for.

'You speak spanish?' Pedri asked surprised while we were taking our seats.

'And French. And Portuguese.' I smiled.

'Wow.' he said, sounding just as impressed he looked.

We ordered two glasses of wine and the garlic bread starter.

'Can I ask you a question?' Pedri said.

'Sure.' I nodded my head.

'Why did you want to pick me up with your car?' he asked confused. 'I don't want to sound ungrateful, but I drive too. And I could've picked you up too.'

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