PSG v Barça

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The game was going very well, Barça having the possession of the ball and actually had a few good chances to score. But nothing compares to PSG's defence wall.

Neymar and Pedri haven't had too much contact, or at least from what I could see, and I pray it stays this way.


Minute 30' was approaching, a throw-in for Barça being given. Frenkie throws it to Pedri, but as soon as he gets the chance to control it, he falls to the ground.

'ARE YOU FRICKING KIDDING ME?!' I jump up from my seat in protest, hitting the seat in front of me.

Luckily, Kimpembe was the one in front of me as he wasn't playing. He didn't flinch or turn around to tell me off, he continued to watch the game.

Pedri's POV:

As soon as Frenkie throws me the ball and I try to control it, I feel a pair of studs on my leg, making me fall to the ground in pain. However, the game carried on at the referee's instruction.

Picking myself up I feel a hand on my shoulder. 'Lo siento, no te vi.' Neymar said in a smugly tone, a smirk plastered across his face.

I moved away from his touch, not saying anything and returning to the game.



'Y estás tratando de decirme que no viste eso?' (And you're trying to tell me you didn't see that?) I protest to the referee in disbelief as Lewandowski is on the ground complaining about a foul committed by Carlos Soler. 'Me estás tomando el pelo?' (Are you kidding me?)

All of a sudden Neymar steps in front of me, giving me a little nudge and addressing the referee. 'Vamos, no fue nada.'

Taking a deep breath to try to calm myself down, I return his little nudge, but before he's able to turn around and tell me something, Kylian and Araujo step in, putting a wall between the two of us.

Irina's POV:

It was now halftime, the score being 0-0. I don't know if I was being paranoid, but it definitely looked like there was too much tension between Neymar and Pedri. I've gotten to know Pedri very well to know that he isn't a very confrontational person, unless you really piss him off. But as I also got to know Neymar, he was going to do anything in his power to get a reaction out of the Barça boy.

As soon as the players started exiting the pitch, I stood up ready to go give Neymar a piece of my mind.

'Don't.' Luca grabbed my arm, keeping me in the same spot. 'Kylian will speak to him.' he nodded his head towards the two PSG players.

I moved my arm from his grip, clenching my jaw and taking a deep breath in. Without saying anything I sat down again. I was shaking my leg, as this wasn't me. I wouldn't shut up and I probably would've moped that whole changing room with Neymar if I got the chance.

I hated this. And I hated that Pedri was in this situation because of me.

'So who are you supporting Miss Davies?' Xavi said mockingly.

I looked at him, an annoyed expression on my face. 'Can't you see who's shirt I'm wearing?' I said irritated. 'Or should I book you an appointment with the optician?' I asked, not in the mood for his commentary.

'Irina!' Luca said surprised by my reaction.

'It's okay.' Xavi chuckled. 'I got used to Miss Davies' attitude and sense of humour.' he looked at me. 'This is exactly why I didn't want my players distracted by you.' he said quietly.

'Don't worry.' I smiled sarcastically. 'Pedri won't be breaking any legs.'

After a moment of silence he walked away, leaving me all by myself with Luca.

'What the hell is wrong with you?' Luca asked.

'I want you to tell Galtier to take Neymar off the pitch. To substitute him or something.' I said, my eyes meeting his.

'Irina...' he said softly.

'He's targeting Pedri because of me.' I said through my teeth.

'You know that's the only thing I can't do.' Luca said sincerely.

'Fuck!' I said through my teeth after a few moments of silence, hitting the chair in front of me once again.

Luca was right. He couldn't tell Galtier to substitute Neymar. It was absurd. What was he meant to say?

Oh, can you please take Neymar off as he's trying to break Irina's new boyfriend's legs?


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