We're Having A Baby?!

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'Are you still upset with me?' Pedri said as soon as we returned to his apartment.

'I'm not upset with you.' I turned to face him. 'I'm just frustrated. I told you how it was going to go and you didn't even listen. Didn't even consider it.'

'I'm sorry, okay?' he said softly.

'I don't want you to apologise, but this could've been avoided. Now you're literally benched for 4 weeks. Maybe more.'

'Which means more time with you.' he chuckled.

I let out a sigh and walked to the kitchen to grab myself some water, while Pedri plunged onto the couch.

'I do need to talk to you though.' I said softly, taking a seat next to him.

'What's up?' he looked at me with a soft smile.

I was looking at him, trying to find the right words to say what I have to say. 

'Look...' I said after a few moments. 'I adore you and I know you adore me and I completely understand if you have a completely different view on what I'm about to tell you and I get it but I also want you to know that in no way, shape or form I'm trying-'

'Woah, woah, woah.' he said cutting me off, a confused look on his face. 'Are you breaking up with me?'


'What?!' I asked confused. 'No, no, no.' I shook my head. 'No way.' I said sternly.

'Then what was that all about?'

'When I went over to Caro's I felt sick again. So she literally forced me to take a damn pregnancy test and well, to everyone's surprise, it came up positive. I mean, it's not really a surprise because we haven't been able to keep our hands off of eachother but that's not the point.' I said rapidly.

It's as if time stopped right there, just like the first time I met him. The fact that Pedri also seems to be frozen in place did not help with my nerves, I mean I get it. I just dropped the baby bomb on him, effectively changing his life, his career, forever. But somehow, I expected him to not be frozen.

Maybe to jump in joy? No, too much?

'Pedri...' I call out his name in a whisper, making sure that he is breathing still. After a few more agonizing seconds, he seems to have exited out of whatever trance he was in.

' Did you just say baby?' he asks, his big, brown eyes searching for answers from mine, 'Our baby?'

I wanted to come up with some stupid, sarcastic response but I found it inappropriate, for some reason.

I take one more breath, collecting myself and my thoughts.

I would have liked to give him the news in a more special way, but I want to know his honest opinion on this pregnancy. It's not like I was going to stop having the baby, I would've just simply packed my bags, thank him for everything and go our separate ways. Of course, with him still having a close relationship with our son or daughter.

'I completely understand if you have second thoughts about this but I want to put it out there that even though you might not want this child, I will still keep it.' I say in one breath, the words making this all seem all too real.

Nervousness and excitement suddenly fills my stomach as I look at Pedri, waiting for his response, for any response, but before my own mind can come up with a million different horrible scenarios, I watch Pedri's face slowly turn from being in a daze, to disbelief, to pure joy and happiness.

'We're having a baby!? This is the best day of my life!' he shouts as he comes back to life but that slowly turns into a worry-monster version of him, "But, Irina, we need to buy clothes for her, or him? Wait, can we find out if it's a boy or girl? What about diapers? I heard that's the most single needed item by new parents! There's so many-'

'I am loving your enthusiasm but we need to slow down. ' I stop his blabbering mess, but with a big smile on my face as all the weight on my shoulder from keeping this from him is suddenly lifted. 'Yes, we need to buy clothes, not now, but soon. And Pedri, it's way too early to find out the gender, but we can always buy those gender-neutral things...' I shrugged my shoulders.

Pedri was about to protests and probably was about to drag me to the mall to buy all the baby stuff he could find. I could just tell from the gloss over his eyes that he is somewhere else and not listening to my attempts at reasoning with him, when my phone suddenly vibrates, showing a text message from Ela.

'Can we do lunch next week, chica? I have some news. Gavi is coming too:)'

'Wait, does she know? Why next week? Don't you two work together?' Pedri asks confused.

'I don't know.' I chuckle. 'And no, she doesn't know. The only one that knows is Caro and I would like it to stay this way for now.'

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