Cannes Festival

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The last few days have been full of celebrations. The team has been going out and filming content, getting ready for a parade around the city, a parade that was taking place today.

A parade I'm going to miss because I have been invited to attend the Cannes Festival.

However, as everyone knows, good news are always followed by bad ones too. Or vice versa.

Sergio and Jordi will be leaving the team and Camp Nou is getting destroyed. I completely forgot that when a season ends, changes tend to take place, which means that many of our favourite players either retire, swap teams or stay exactly where they are.

These past few days I also found out that PSG will be losing two players. Ramos and Messi.

Damn it.

'Do you have everything?' Pedri asked as he was driving me to the airport.

'Yes.' I smiled. 'I really don't want to leave you.' I said softly.

And that was the truth. Me and Pedri have been inseparable since I got pregnant.

'But you also don't want to miss on an invitation like this.' he chuckled.

'A very good point.' I smiled.


After waiting for me to board onto the private jet Ky has decided to gift me, he made his to the parade while I was flying to Nice to meet up with Bru.


As soon as I got to the hotel I quickly settled in and called Bruna, who told me she's waiting for me at the hotel's restaurant.

'Bruuuu!' I said excitedly.

She stood up and greeted me. 'Oh my god!' she placed her hands on my belly. 'He's growing so much.'

'I know.' I chuckled.

We sat down and ordered our food, conversation flowing.

'I can't believe we get to do this together.' I smiled.

'I never understood why you don't go to more things like this. I mean...' she shrugged her shoulders. 'I doubt you haven't received any proposals.'

'I have.' I smiled softly. 'I just feel like they reach out because I'm carrying Pedri's child. It's not how it is for you. I mean you had a fan base before Ney...'

'It's never too late, you know that right?'

'I just want people to like me for who I am. I'm not too much into the spotlight anyways. I like my privacy, I like people knowing what I only want them to know.' I said.

'Are you going to visit the boys before getting back?' she asked.

'I'm thinking about it...' I took a sip from my orange juice. 'I just need to fit everything as Barça has their last game at Camp Nou soon to so...'

'How do you feel about that?' she smiled softly.

'Are you kidding me? I wish I could freeze time. Leave things how they were or how they are. I hate change like this. Even more when it has a certain meaning to it.'



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