Al Messila Hotel

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I was packing my bags, Ela watching me carefully. She will point out some things I should bring and what things I should leave home.

I was flying in earlier than some of the teams, as there were still a few things I had to sort out. I haven't told anyone, apart from the boys who were there during the phone call and Ela.

The little contract that I had to sign had a few things that I had to follow.

Don't tell anyone.
Keep things professionally.
Do your best.

'I can't believe they've selected you to work with some of the national teams!' Ela said throwing away from my suitcase a pair of trousers and looking at them in disgust.

'I'm so nervous but so excited!' I said, a big smile on my face.

'Do you know who you'll be working with?'

'No.' I shook my head. 'I need to make up my mind till I get there.'

'Do you have any clue on who you're picking?'

'Of course.' I laughed. 'But apparently I'll be working with someone else aswell, so I guess we both get to pick.' I said closing my suitcase. 'I can't believe we're going to Qatar!'

'I know!' she said excitedly.

'They even asked if I want security.' I laughed, dropping next to her.

'And you said no?' she asked surprised.

'I can take care of myself.' I shook my head chuckling. 'Security is doing too much.'

After talking a little bit more, Ela dropped me to the airport, where we parted ways.


The FIFA President arranged everything for me. I was going to get there with a private jet, to be able to have all the comfort I needed.

Truth is, this was my first time flying in one of these by myself. And it was quite weird.


💬❤️ pedri, neymarjr, candantas, siramartinez, _patriciadavies_, raphinha, pablogavi and 1,737,082 others liked this photo

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💬❤️ pedri, neymarjr, candantas, siramartinez, _patriciadavies_, raphinha, pablogavi and 1,737,082 others liked this photo

irinaa.daviess ✈️🥰



user28 she's probably flying out for the World Cup to support Pedri🥹🥹🥹

user2 girl when did you buy a private jet

view all 1,207 comments


After 7 hours, I finally landed. I quickly stretched my back before getting up from my seat and got my luggages down with the help of some of the stuff.

As soon as I stepped out the jet, a large black SUV with tinted windows was waiting for me. I thanked the stuff and introduced myself to the SUV's driver before stepping inside.


The drive to the hotel was only 30 minutes, including the traffic.

Al Messila Hotel.

My jaw dropped in shock as we were getting closer to the place. I knew Gianni prepared everything, but this... holy shit.

I could already see some team busses around the hotel, but unfortunately I couldn't tell which ones they were.

Gianni assured me that a few teams will be staying at the same hotel as me, and I could help but hope that France will be one of them.

I missed Kylian so much and the last time I spoke to him was when I was in Tegueste. Him and Luca decided to give me a FaceTime call and check how my little break was going.


It was a struggle getting into the hotel, as the paparazzi were flashing their cameras everywhere, including on me.

The hotel's security managed to get me through the doors but I couldn't help but hear some of the questions they were throwing at me.

'Irina, how do you feel about being in Qatar?'

'Who are you supporting this World Cup?'

'How is your relationship with Neymar Jr after the breakup?'

'Are you here for work?'

'How does it feel dating Pedri?'

As soon as I walk up to the desk to check in, I could hear whispering behind me.

'Is that her?!'

'Should we talk to her?!'

'Well, she is one of us.'

I whipped around to the sound of British accents, only to find Jude Bellingham, Bukayo Saka and Mason Mount staring at me.

I let out a slight chuckle, looking at them with a confused look on my face.

'I didn't know I was this known.' I said with a soft smile.

None of the boys were saying anything, just stared at me with their mouths slightly opened.

'You don't want any flies to get in there.' I chuckled and gestures to their mouths as I walked away from the 3 boys.


Finally reaching my room, I opened the door, my eyes growing wide in shock. The entire room was white with gold accents, a huge crystal chandelier hanging in the centre of it.

More of an apartment than a hotel room.

There was a large circular couch covered in cream-coloured satin to match the gold. There was a whole wall completely covered in shelves full of books and small decorations that connected to a wall that was a floor to ceiling window with an amazing view. The entire suite had archways lined with gold all throughout it, while the bathroom had a shower as big as my apartment back in Barcelona.

The bedroom had a plain white bed sitting in the middle, a welcome basket on it, revealing a complementary silk robe, a bottle of wine and other little souvenirs.

This was incredible.

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