An Ex-Lover

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After we arrived at Pedri's childhood home and being greeted by his grandmother and his brother, and introduced to the rest of his family and some close friends, we sat down to have lunch. The table was full of delicious food that Maria has prepared for us, which we finished in record breaking time. After helping her out with the cleaning, we were finally settling in our rooms.

Since there is not enough spare rooms for all of us, Ela and I are taking their guest room, while Gavi and Pedri are staying in Pedri's room. Ela and I spend the next half hour unpacking and talking about our recent gossips with our own life dramas.

'So how's the whole situation with you and Gavi?' I ask while I take a seat on the bed.

Ela was sitting on the floor, stops unpacking and looks up at me. 'I don't know anymore...' she lets out a sigh. 'Ever since that night at the club, I promised myself that'll I'll stop stressing, move on and just take the hint...' she smiles softly. 'But I can't... and it's so hard because he's at his peak in his football career and I don't want to be a burden or a distraction or...' she started rumbling.

'You know...' I smiled softly. 'After Neymar, I kinda wanted to return to my privacy and move on from this whole football life vibe. But I met Pedri and...' I let out a sigh. 'And even though I could've shut him down completely, I chose not to because the way I felt about him was like a fresh breath of air.' I smiled. 'And I've had this conversation with him so many times. How I didn't want to be a distraction. How I wanted him to focus on his football and how he's been very private about his love life. And I wasn't like that. Everyone knew me and everyone knew I was affiliated with Paris-Saint German football players and everyone knew about my past with Neymar.'

'Sometimes I can't believe you actually dated the hottest man on this planet.' she chuckled, making me shake my head with a smile.

'I'm not telling you to force things with Gavi.' I said sincerely. 'But you're my friend, and so is he, and it isn't fair on you guys. You both deserve to speak about your feelings and try and love. You deserve to be happy.' I smiled. 'And you shouldn't think about yourself as a burden or a distraction. Because people need to learn how to prioritise things. Their career, their friends, their relationships, friendships, love. Love doesn't have to be complicated.'

Ela stood up without saying anything and wrapped her arms around me. 'Thank you.' she says quietly. 'You have no idea how boring my life was before you.'

'I love you, Ela.' I said quietly.

A knock at the door startles both of us, making us jump up at the sound of it.

'Can I come in?' Pedri calls out to us.

'Sure.' I say.

'How tired are you girls?' he smiles. 'Me and Gavi were thinking about going for a walk and wanted to see if you girls want to join us.' he comes in dropping on the bed next to me. 'See the nature and all of that.'

I look out to see Ela's reaction to Pedri's proposal.

'I've got everything ready.' she says holding in her hand some workout clothes.

'You just got your answer.' I chuckle looking at Pedri.

Pedri's POV:

'Estás bien, Irina?' I chuckle while I glance at my girlfriend.

We were now on our 20th minute of our 'small walk', the sun hitting us directly, making it a bit harder. Irina's forehead was covered by sparkly drops of sweat,  huffing and puffing as she was catching up to us.

'Oh, I'm fine.' she put on her biggest smile, giving me a thumbs up. 'But that shade over there is really calling my name.' she chuckled, while jogging to a shaded area.

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