Chapter 44: The song...

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" I will do it tomorrow okay as I have many notes to complete."

"Tomorrow, promise right? If I qualify next year I will do yours then."

"First you study well to get from grade X hmm..."

As she entered the room, her seat was already taken by her mate's boyfriend and was quite in lovey-dovey scene So, didn't knew how to react too.

She awkwardly stood in front of them and was about to call out when a hand grasp her wrist and started pulling.

"What are you doing Aric?"

"You tell me what you were doing indeed."

"That's my"

"I didn't mean that."


"Why you met with her?"

"Whom?" She tried hiding it but he could see her all through.

"I don't understand what you mean Aric.."

"Just stop it don't have to pretend not to know? Did I ask you to go to her? What damn shit is that?Can't you just don't do anything? Is that really hard not to indulge in other's business?"

He was already covered in tears that she just couldn't look at him.

"Aric, I am really sorry if it offended you. I know I always mess up everything and hurt you though wasn't intentional. Here, I promise you I will never ever appear in your life to mess it up.. sorry naa."

"Excuse me, it's my seat. So, will you.."

"She will stay there." Speaking with so much confidence now even he was shouting a minute earlier.

"If my presence is troubling you, why should I stay there. Moreover, my seat is"

"Just come.." he made her sit beside him and stroke her hair.

"I am sorry I screamed earlier. I was just frustrated at myself and it seems like I put it all on you. Hmm..fine here, I will sing you a song which I couldn't do during your birthday, Choose one finger."


"Nepali song..." He started singing a trend song back then(Akasai ma: thousand stars in the sky).

"I also learnt a dzongkha song, wanna hear?"

"Fine..if you want to sing."

"Stupid girl.." he could still scoff at her.



"Hmm... imagine you are in a show cast and standing in the midst of the brightest light and a million of people were cheering up for,"

He kept on singing a Korean song and she truly enjoyed it though all she could understand was the word 'i am gonna miss you' but the melody was great then.

Through the door, a figure entered inside and as she was about to stop him he continued the talk along the song melody..."I just don't like him..."

"Hey, it's funny..I told you to imagine you are singing in the midst of the crowd and if you would break it in such a sarcastic way, it's hilarious.."

"So, did you like the song?"

"I didn't understood the lyrics."

"But you felt it right? That's more than enough."


"Nothing, you won't understand."

"Again his same dialogue."

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