Chapter 32: The tournament day..

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"hey, be fast. If teacher sees us we are doomed for."

"Just two minutes, about to finish." She was busy copying the answer when what she feared the most happened.

"Hey, you two. What are you doing?"

He snatched the paper from her hand as fast as possible and turned the opposite side.

"Aric, that's my paper!"

"Sister, what's wrong?" as she opened her eyes she was inside a classroom and in that empty room, only a little sister was there wearing taekwondo uniform.

"Thank goodness it was just a dream. Otherwise am gone for."

"Where are others?"

"Everyone went for the morning exercise."

"And you?"

"I got late sister, getting ready just now only."

"Oh! my God. The captain will surely kill me. Please wait for me and I will be done in a while."

She took out her toiletries items and rushed towards the restroom that was quite downwards from their resident.

In a minute they got prepared and rushed up to the ground for the exercise and got in between the line. As the captain came towards them acted so nicely like they had ran so much and was sweating when they already sprinkled water on the face.

"It seems you people had exercised enough now."

"Sister, was he really appreciating or scoffing at us?" She was a cute little girl studying in grade VI and plays taekwondo well.

"Not sure. anyway, we didn't got caught." They did high-five and smiled looking at each other as if accomplished a great goal.

"Anna, be ready. Next is your turn." Suddenly she didn't knew what happening to her. She felt like visiting restroom or feeling thirsty when her name was being called out.

As she enters inside the margin with all set ready, she was stunned for a while as her opponent was much more taller than her. She suddenly felt nervous and her training for the whole year may seems like it will go in vain. Just some minutes ago, captain taught her basic moves which she isn't able to use that moment. Through the headgear, the crowd looks so tiny like an ant kingdom when the whistle blew and the first 1.5 min got over. both parties doing nothing than running here and there.

As she looked at the score and was really sad to see it as (3:0) where 0 is her score.

"I think am going to lose. I feel so nervous as soon as I enter inside the line."

"No dear, you still have the next round for winning and losing isn't determined till last moment. You say Aric is your lucky charm right? So, think no one is here except him okay. Good luck dear." It was Chitra, her captain and one of her good friend too.

She closed her eyes and took a long breath.

As the second round got started, it seems like she really saw Aric seated on the last seat, smiling at her.
"Am I having illusion, so funny I could actually see him here."

Suddenly everyone was cheering from both side and as she was about to make her final move everything changed, Aric was gradually fading away. Just a while ago she didn't saw anyone except Aric and now everyone was there except him. She started hearing the chaos again, crowd clapping and calling out names again. As Aric vanished completely from the sight, she felt nervous again. Her body felt maimed and couldn't move even a bit and got struck in the middle and came back to sense when the whistle blew again. As she looked at the score (13:12) where 12 was her score and unfortunately she lost the match for 1 point difference.

As she took out all set, could hear different objections from different lips. So simply went out to get on herself.

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