Chapter 35: The gift...

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"How was your journey?"


"Am sorry, I couldn't meet with you before going cause I was out of time."

"It's alright, I recieved the chit." A slight smile at his side.

"Hmm...Aric I bought something for you." She took out a paper packed small parcel and put it inside his hand.

"Hey, am not a girl. What should I do with this?"

"I know Aric it seems weird to receive such a strange gift but you know what when I saw this cute butterfly, my instinct made me to gift you but if it still makes you feel awkward. I will take it back."

"You sound more stupid now."

"Is it? Fine, I will take it back." He quickly picked it up from the table and put it inside his bag before her hand reach there.

"You are stupid cause you are taking away before giving to me." With a teasing manner smiling at side.

"Means you accepted it then."

"Hmm..cause good things are valued by preserving it rather than using it. Loved it Anna, thank you."

"Glad that you liked it."

Few days later...

As all children were busy working in their social work area, a hand tapped on her shoulder.


"Am really sorry Anna."

"Why? For what?"

"Actually, I kept your gift in my bag and this morning I lost it. I know I shouldn't be so careless about it and I promise I will surely find it."

"No Aric, it's alright. Though it's something I liked and gifted you but happened is so gone, you need not have to be so serious about it for at the end it's just an object."

"No Anna it isn't just an gift for me. Anyway, I will try my best to find it okay. Am sorry please."

"But Aric,"before she could complete her words, he ran towards the classroom and only his bouncing gho can be seen from far back.

It's alright to be a little unhappy to know that someone she feels close to lost the first gift she has ever presented but what makes her wonder more was, "why was he so sensitive about that gift? does he truly values that?" His unhappy gesture regarding that little brotch as if he lost something precious was saddening her somewhere along the journey.

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