Chapter 23: Friend Request...

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With the completion of midterm examination, the vacation for two weeks had started and it has been a long time she had stayed away from her families and had the whole plan of enjoying it huge.

"You created your Facebook?"
Sarah(her second sister) questioned her with an enquiring looks.

"Yes, I think am adult enough to handle those media's stuff now and it's all in our own hand how to manage it. Moreover, I have to search Science Projects too. So, maybe it could be of some help."

"You better be careful." Was all she told after her long explanation.

"Aric send you a friend request." There was a new notification as soon as she opened her Facebook.

Right after she accepted the request a message pop out,
"Hey, what doing?"

"Sleeping. You?"

There, their chat carried on until they fall half asleep and finally bid good night. She remembers it clearly that her brother is the first person to became her Facebook friend too.

The vacation carried on and once she was at her friend's house where all the youth were put together and was waiting for Anna's brother to reach home after his 3rd year college.

"Hi, thank you for sending our video."it was the one they danced on fresher's night and she still kept it as a collection though a hard memory of it.

"Hey, I was talking with Aric about you."

"Oh.. really! About what?"

"About you."

"What is he saying?"


She actually felt like knowing what they talked about her but didn't asked further when Meto answered nothing cause she doesn't like enforcing if other don't want to share about it. Still then the question at times remain alive in her mind, "what could it be?"

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