Chapter 29: The scratch...

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"Aric, can I stay here."


"Anna wake me after 10 minutes okay." She noticed him clearly and sketched his face art. Somehow he looked cute enjoying his Dreamland paradise.

"Aric, wake up. 10 mins got over."
Beside the sketch she wrote, (monkey Aric sleeping like pig🐷)

"Just 10mins more." Seems like he wasn't sobered yet.

The room was so silent where everyone was in serious studies that's making her even more bored.

"Idea!" She silently asked for the marker from her desk mate and started designing his beard more cautiously but unfortunately the rat got trapped in the net.

"What are you doing?" He suddenly woke up and caught her wrist and it seems unusual then, for the very first time she felt guilty trying to make fun of him without seeing the seriousness in his eyes sooner.

"What's wrong Aric?"

"Nothing, just that I couldn't get a proper sleep."

"The matter seems different to me as you looked quite disturbed. Is everything fine?"

"Are you a mind-reader? I told you am fine. Don't be childish and stop irritating me. Will you just leave me alone Anna."

"Actually, I was just asking if anything is bothering and if I hurted you by any means am sorry Aric. My intention wasn't to hurt you and sorry I won't disturb you henceforth. That's harsh but it's alright." She picked up her books and got up to go when he shifted back his chair and leaned himself on the wall.

"Aric, only five minute for the dinner and anyway you are already in bad mood. So, I don't want to disturb your mood further."

As usual he made her sit down and himself laughing at side, right hand covering his face.

"Hey, is this the time to laugh?"

" sorry (Hanuman)" a name of a hindu god with swollen cheeks carrying mace who helped god Ram to rescue goddess Sita from the evil Ravenna. She got that name for her swollen cheeks she carries around when gets angry and would tease her with that irritating names.

"Didn't you heard about it? It's quite viral these days."

"Nope I didn't heard anything. What's that?"

"Just a minute, here..." he slipped his arm upward and what she saw surprised her even more.

"What happened? How did you got hurt?"

"I slipped from the bathroom. it's just a minor scratch, don't worry."

"Simply slipping from bathroom won't cause such deep wound. Will you tell me what exactly happened."

"Actually..."his voice was starting to stutter as if did a huge crime or is trying to hide something big.


"Got messed with our senior health captain and later other captains joined him. You know Phub Tshering of XII Arts right."

"I don't know him but why you have to mess with seniors without any reason."

"I was backing up my friends and he pushed me to the corner and got scratched."

"You should be careful where you should involve and where shouldn't."

"I know you would say something like that and that's why refraining myself from telling the truth but due to your stubbornness. Anyway, I know you wouldn't believe me cause all my friends were the one who intake substances and automatically you would find me at fault for helping out my friends."

Somewhere around the corner, his eyes were watery and that's making her unhappy too. For whatsoever the reason, she just can't see tears in his eyes and his disappointment was pricking her too.

"I didn't mean that Aric, I got startled seeing this and spoke out in haste but it doesn't mean I don't trust you. I do Aric for I know you are my lucky charm and my hidden angel. So, please smile."

Finally he smiled at her and could see the clearance in his deep brown eyes.

"God, may his soul always be at peace and let his cute smile never fades away." For the very first time she prayed for her three months younger brother and it feels breezy then.

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