Chapter 33:A new brother...

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"Did I made a mistake by coming here?" She murmured to herself when a familiar voice replied from her right side,

"No you did the right thing."

It was the same senior she knew a day before though from the same school who was smiling at her lightly.

"But brother, I feel like I made a fool of myself by coming here. Till I lost the match, everyone was talking nicely with me and in the morning also we all had breakfast together that actually felt much comfort when I was alone here but after the match, no one was talking with me and the president also said the loser has to clean the whole room. Am I really a loser? Did I really made a big mistake by coming here?" She started crying without having a single thought that someone was also there for that's quite hard to digest.

"You know sister, in life not only winning is important but your participation matters the most. So, it's fine you can get through it as it's only a matter of time."

I am sorry brother, usually am not like this."

"It's fine. Let's go for lunch."

As she was about to sit down with the lunch plate, she saw the senior brother infront of her.

"Sister, can you give me your plate after you finish your lunch. I had forgotten to bring mine."

"You can have it brother, it's pure."

"Thank you but I think sharing will be better. That way both of us will have it." He simply divided the food in two halves like the separation of a region.

"Brother can I ask you something?

"Sure.. what's that?"

"Brother, can I adopt you as my elder brother?"

As he raised his brow she knew he got confused with her sudden request.

"Because you are really a good person brother and you stood with me when there was no one to comfort me as I lost the match."

"Sure." after smiling lightly and his turn approached near as they were having some conversation over the lunch.

"What happened to your finger brother."

"Oh this one! I had a cut accidentally."

"Is it still hurting? What about your match then."

"That's fine sister, I can manage it."

She cheered him up and despite his finger getting hurt, he still managed with a silver medal, that's quite awesome.

"Aric, am really looking forward to return soon and share you everything that has ever happened here. Especially I want to tell you that brother Phub Tshering isn't what you thought like. He is really a great and kind person. Moreover, he doesn't have any hard feelings particularly on you even when your friends crossed the line with him. I wanna try to remove that misunderstanding about him in your eyes and yes I adopted him. So, hope I will be able to make you understand it, see you soon." The diary got closed before closing her eyes.

A butterfly brotch...

" Sister, you want to go to the shop?"


It was the same little girl who got late with her on their first day and her friend has also accompanied her then.

Along the way they chatted about their academic performance and turns out she is actually a topper.

"Wow! It's beautiful. How much is it?" She spotted a golden butterfly brotch hanging on the wall and thought maybe should gift it to her brother.(it seems quite strange but but appears rather much cute.)

"150/- shall I pack it?"

"Sure, please."

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